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Lötzsch: Permanent low not only because of Wagenknecht

Left Party MP Gesine Lötzsch stresses the need to analyze the causes of poor election results and the low polls.

"It's dramatic": Gesine Lö
"It's dramatic": Gesine Lö

Lötzsch: Permanent low not only because of Wagenknecht

The Left Party politician Gesine Lötzsch sees a lack of willingness in her party to deal with its own failings. It is wrong to blame Sahra Wagenknecht alone for poor election results and the continuing low polls, the deputy chairwoman of the parliamentary group told the daily newspaper "nd" (weekend edition "nd.DieWoche").

Wagenknecht and nine other members of the Bundestag resigned from the Left Party on October 23, which means that the party has lost its parliamentary group status. The long-standing Left Party MP has announced the founding of a new party for January.

"Even in GDR times, the motto was always: no discussion of mistakes, we look to the future," said Lötzsch. "But the results have not improved as a result. And I think we have to look back: Up to what point could the split have been prevented and how?" The weakening of the party both in the polls and in its presence in the Bundestag was "politically dramatic", she said. Whether and until when the Left Party could act as a group in the Bundestag would depend on the other parliamentary groups - they would "give the Left Party nothing".

The MP emphasized: "Anyone who says they would rather have a group that sticks together than a divided parliamentary group has not recognized the seriousness of the situation. It is dramatic."

Parties often learn from their past mistakes to improve their future performances, but as Lötzsch pointed out, the Left Party has been reluctant to recount its own errs. Despite Wagenknecht's departure from the Bundestag, Lötzsch questions if the party could have prevented the split and the subsequent weakening of its presence in parliament.


