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Lost nose ring, burger joint opens too late: Emergency call center reveals last year's most absurd calls

If there is an emergency, the emergency call centers are the best place to go. But not every call there is really an emergency. Some are just funny - at least in retrospect.

Not every call to emergency call centers is
Not every call to emergency call centers is

British Columbia - Lost nose ring, burger joint opens too late: Emergency call center reveals last year's most absurd calls

Injuries, accidents, crimes: There are many good reasons to make an emergency call. But far too often, calls that really have nothing to do with emergencies end up in the control centers. One of the operators has now compiled the funniest ones for the turn of the year, from a lost nose ring to the wrong haircut.

The list from emergency call operator E-Comm has become a tradition. Once a year, the company, which handles emergency calls for almost the entire Canadian province of British Columbia, publishes the funniest reasons why people have called 911.

These are the funniest emergency call reasons

"My favorite story is the call about a bad haircut," says call center employee Alaina Milicevic about the so-called "nuisance calls". In the company's ranking, however, it only comes in at number 10. This is the complete list:

  1. Asking for directions home after a Drake concert
  2. The traffic light took too long to turn green
  3. She lost a nose ring in the shower drain
  4. The AirBnB host canceled the reservation
  5. The UberEats order took too long
  6. A burger joint wouldn't let callers in before opening time
  7. They couldn't find their cell phone
  8. They wanted to complain about a pothole
  9. The McDonalds order took too long
  10. The hairdresser gave them a bad haircut

Don't be afraid of the emergency call

Even if not every nuisance call is so funny, all employees are familiar with this type of call, reports telephone operator Jessica Josic. "Everyone gets a few of them a day." However, the calls cannot simply be ignored. "Until we can be really sure, we have to treat them like a real emergency," she explains. "Only when the callers are really out of danger can we hang up or forward them to the right people."

The company's operators actually have enough to do: According to Global News, the center recorded more than 2.1 million calls in 2023, up 13 percent on last year due to the particularly dangerous wildfire season. Nevertheless, Milicevic explains that people should call if in doubt. "We don't want people to be afraid to call the emergency services. But sometimes they should just think beforehand."

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