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looking for missing angler

At a lake shore, the police find fishing equipment. However, any trace of the 76-year-old angler is missing.

A fisherman has been missing since Thursday (photo)
A fisherman has been missing since Thursday (photo)

BigDeployment - looking for missing angler

Around 150 Emergency responders have been searching for a missing angler in Niederbayern. The 76-year-old man had been fishing at the Höllensteinsee (Landkreis Regen) and had not returned home, according to the police. When the officers arrived at the lake on Thursday evening, relatives were already searching for the senior. Witnesses reportedly found fishing equipment and personal items.

Since the officers assumed that the man could have fallen into the water, they launched a large-scale search. The response teams searched on land, in the water, and even with a helicopter from the air until early morning hours, but to no avail. The search is expected to continue throughout the day.

The missing angler was reportedly fishing in Lower Bavaria, specifically at the Höllensteinsee in Regen district. The search for the 76-year-old man involved a significant deployment of resources from the Lower Bavarian Fishery. Despite the large-scale operation, including the use of lifeboats, the police from Bavaria were unable to locate the individual as of yet.

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