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Little Arian from Bremervörde is dead

Autopsy provides certainty

A farmer found the body of little Arian.
A farmer found the body of little Arian.

Little Arian from Bremervörde is dead

Hundreds of enforcement officers have been intensely searching for Arian since he went missing in April. In vain. The six-year-old has been missing for months. A farmer accidentally discovered a child's body on a field at the beginning of the week in Lower Saxony. The autopsy has now brought sad certainty.

The child's body, found by a farmer during work on a meadow in Rotenburg, Germany, on a Monday, is definitively that of the missing Arian. A DNA comparison by forensic doctors confirmed this, according to the police in Rotenburg and the prosecutor's office in Stade. The investigators had already suspected that it was the six-year-old.

The autopsy of his body did not yield any indications of external injury. No evidence of criminal acts has been found. The police are refusing to make any statements about the cause of death, referring to the personal rights of the deceased child and his relatives.

Arian had gone missing from the house of his family in the Bremervoerde district on April 22. The autistic boy was searched for extensively on the ground and in the air. Hundreds of enforcement officers combed the field and forest areas around Elm. A special investigation team of the police took over the search at the end of April.

A farmer accidentally discovered a child's body during work on a meadow near Behrste in the Stade district, about three kilometers from Elm, on Monday afternoon. The search team had already searched this area several times for the six-year-old. The police announced shortly after the discovery that it was likely Arian and that there were no indications of external involvement.

The body discovered in Lower Saxony, which has been identified as Arian's through DNA analysis, was found in the Stade district, close to Elm, where he had gone missing. The investigation into Arian's disappearance, involving numerous enforcement officers, has now become an international matter due to the unknown circumstances surrounding his death.

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