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Litigation against the ban on 'United Tribuns' unsuccessful

The 'United Tribuns' rock-like group has been banned for two years. This will remain the case according to a Federal Administrative Court ruling.

The Federal Administrative Court upheld the ban on 'United Tribuns' (Archive photo)
The Federal Administrative Court upheld the ban on 'United Tribuns' (Archive photo)

Ban on associations - Litigation against the ban on 'United Tribuns' unsuccessful

The rock-like association "United Tribuns" remains banned. The Administrative Court in Leipzig dismissed a lawsuit by "United Tribuns Northside," a branch organization seeking an exemption from the ban (Az.: BVerwG 6 A 5.22).

The Federal Ministry of the Interior upheld the ban on the main association and several of its chapters, named "Chapter," in August 2022, based on the Associations Act. The group's purpose and activities contradicted criminal laws, it was stated. The organization resembled in its structures a motorcycle club and sought to expand its power in various regions of Germany. It also engaged in violent rivalries with other associations.

Power struggles and criminal activity

The Ministry presented evidence including trials against alleged members. This evidence concerned matters such as assault, extortion, drug trafficking, and human trafficking. In Leipzig, in 2016, a member of the "United Tribuns" was shot dead; four "Hells Angels" were sentenced for this crime. The background was reportedly a turf war.

The lawyers for "United Tribuns Northside" complained in the oral proceedings that the Ministry had not provided sufficient evidence. The convictions of club members were isolated cases that dated back several years. "United Tribuns Northside" had not been involved in the higher hierarchies of the club and, therefore, should not be banned.

No dissociation

The Administrative Court did not follow this argument. "United Tribuns Northside" were rightly included in the ban. As a so-called chapter, they had integrated themselves into the hierarchical structures of the overall association. "For the competent authority, there was no reason to exempt the plaintiff from the ban, as this party had not distanced itself from the criminal purposes," the Federal Administrative Court ruled. The court is responsible for first and final instance for lawsuits against association bans.

  1. Despite the ban on the main association "United Tribuns," branches like "United Tribuns Northside" continue to challenge the decision at the Federal Administrative Court in Germany.
  2. The Federal Interior Ministry's decision to ban the association "United Tribuns" and its chapters in Saxony was upheld by the Federal Administrative Court, citing the group's involvement in criminal activities.
  3. The ongoing criminality within "United Tribuns," including incidents of assault, extortion, drug trafficking, and human trafficking, has been a major factor in justifying the ban on the association and its chapters.
  4. The Federal Administrative Court rejected the argument made by the lawyers for "United Tribuns Northside" that they were not involved in the higher hierarchies of the club and should not be banned due to isolated incidents of criminality.
  5. The Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig issued a ruling stating that "United Tribuns Northside" was rightly included in the ban, as they had integrated themselves into the hierarchical structures of the overall association, thereby not distancing themselves from the criminal purposes of the organization.

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