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Lindner stands firm on making deals with SPD for coalition.

Given the difficulties in funding the upcoming federal budget, the SPD advocates for tax hikes and a means to bypass the debt limit. The Finance Minister, however, insists on adhering to the coalition agreement.

"The SPD has signed a coalition agreement in which tax increases and a softening of the debt brake...
"The SPD has signed a coalition agreement in which tax increases and a softening of the debt brake are ruled out. Lars Klingbeil is publicly questioning this - even though he knows that these guard rails are immovable for us," says the FDP chairman.

Domestic Residence - Lindner stands firm on making deals with SPD for coalition.

The German Finance Minister, Christian Lindner, has recently called on the Social Democratic Party (SPD) to adhere to their coalition contract despite recurring calls for tax rises and removal of the debt cap. He made his statements to the Bild paper, pointing out that the SPD had previously agreed to not include such measures in their dealings. He pointed to SPD leader Lars Klingbeil, who has openly contradicted this stance. Lindner emphasized the importance of abiding by the agreement and finding another majority if they desire such policies beyond the FDP's stance.

Recent projections from tax specialists suggest that the state will take in less revenue than anticipated in the upcoming year. Lindner insists that the budget discrepancy in 2025 be resolved through cost-cutting measures.

Klingbeil reinforced SPD's position on Thursday, telling Reuters that " decreasing 30 or 40 billion from the federal budget" was an unfeasible option. He severely cautioned Lindner, emphasizing that the Social Democrats wouldn't take this route and that alternative solutions must be considered. Klingbeil proposed either increasing revenue or finding another way with the debt cap.

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