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Lindner dismisses the criticism of Wehretat

Pistorius sees still chances

Other G7 countries have lower defense expenditures, says Lindner.
Other G7 countries have lower defense expenditures, says Lindner.

Lindner dismisses the criticism of Wehretat

**Defense Minister requests an additional 6 billion Euro for the Defense Ministry, receives 1.2 billion. Not enough, given the current threat situation, it is not only from the Bundeswehr. Finance Minister Lindner cannot understand the criticism.

Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner rejected criticism of the planned defense budget for the coming year and was not prepared to increase it despite significant criticism. "The proposal of the government stands," said Lindner to the Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland. "The defense ministry expenses were agreed upon with Chancellor Scholz himself," said the FDP politician, adding with a glance at Defense Minister Boris Pistorius: "Mr. Pistorius was there."

Lindner argued that with the agreed increase of the defense budget by an additional 1.2 billion Euro to 53 billion Euro, Germany would be significantly above the NATO quota of two percent of economic output in defense spending. "We are moving far beyond the defense spending of other G7 countries like France and Italy," emphasized Lindner. However, a further increase was planned for the coming years. He made it clear, however, that the final decision on the budget would be made by the Bundestag.

The Finance Minister demanded that Pistorius use the funds more efficiently. "By the way, we should look at whether we get more security and more capabilities for the Bundeswehr for each Euro of tax revenue. Other countries are more effective and efficient, as studies show," urged the FDP leader.

Pistorius wants to keep up the pressure

The coalition leaders' compromise for the state budget for the coming year foresees a smaller defense budget than what Pistorius had demanded. The Defense Minister had requested a need of around 58 billion Euro, but the compromise only foresees 53 billion Euro. By 2028, the Defense Ministry is then planned to grow to around 80 billion Euro.

Pistorius expressed dissatisfaction with the plans. It is "disappointing" that he "received significantly less" than requested, said Pistorius lastly. He "could not start certain things as quickly as required by the Zeitenwende and threat situation." Criticism came also from the Bundeswehr, the SPD parliamentary group, and the Union. Green foreign policy spokesman Anton Hofreiter called for talks with the Union about expanding the Bundeswehr special fund.

Pistorius remained optimistic in the evening that the last word had not yet been spoken on the Defense Ministry. "I assume that further talks will still lead to changes," said the SPD politician in the ARD. He would not stop advocating for equipping the Bundeswehr so that it could fulfill its task.

  1. Despite Finance Minister Lindner's rejection of criticism and commitment to the agreed defense budget increase of 1.2 billion Euro, Defense Minister Pistorius expressed dissatisfaction and argued for more funds due to the current threat situation and the need for efficient use of resources.
  2. The critique of the defense budget plan also came from within the Bundeswehr, with the SPD parliamentary group and the Union voicing their concerns, while Green foreign policy spokesman Anton Hofreiter suggested expanding the Bundeswehr special fund through talks with the Union.
  3. In response to the current situation and the need for a well-equipped Bundeswehr to fulfill its tasks, Pistorius expressed optimism that further talks would lead to changes in the defense budget, ensuring adequate resources for defense and politics.

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