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Lindner ahead of budget meeting: We must consult carefully

The Federal Minister of Finance dampens demands that the budget negotiations must now proceed quickly. He emphasizes that it is about the stability of public finances.

Finance Minister Lindner (FDP) does not want to shake the debt brake (archive photo).
Finance Minister Lindner (FDP) does not want to shake the debt brake (archive photo).

Coalition dispute - Lindner ahead of budget meeting: We must consult carefully

Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner is putting pressure for a quick agreement in the difficult budget negotiations of the Traffic Light Coalition. "We need to deliberate carefully. It's about the stability of our national finances in an uncertain global situation," said the FDP politician to the German Press Agency in Berlin on Thursday.

Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD), Lindner, and Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) will continue their consultations later in the day. The SPD faction is putting pressure and wants clarity about the budget plans of the government by Friday. Afterwards, the Bundestag members of parliament will recess for the summer break. The three-way talks have been deliberating intensely for weeks on the budget for the coming year. Originally, they wanted to finish by the previous Wednesday.

Lindner emphasized, "it should not be forgotten that it's about money that the citizens have to work hard for." And: "Every supposed act of kindness doesn't come from the government, but from the people themselves. Not everything that parties promise and distribute, the citizens actually want."

The SPD is insisting on extending the debt brake again to have more room for investments. For Lindner's FDP, this is not an option. The decision on the budget lies ultimately with the Bundestag, which will deal with it from September - if the cabinet agrees.

  1. During the budget negotiation process of the Traffic Light Coalition, the SPD is urging for a swift decision by Friday, as reported by the German Press Agency in Berlin.
  2. Christian Lindner, the FDP's leader and Federal Finance Minister, emphasizes the importance of careful consideration in these negotiations, stating that the country's public finances are at stake.
  3. Amidst these budget negotiations, Robert Habeck, the Economics Minister from the Greens, will join Scholz and Lindner for further discussions later in the day.
  4. The FDP, led by Lindner, opposes extending the debt brake again, as proposed by the SPD, due to its implications on household budgets and public finances.
  5. Germany's coalition dispute, dominated by these budget negotiations, has now entered a critical phase as the deadline for a decision approaches and the summer break for the Bundestag looms.
  6. As the Federal Government's coalition faces these challenges, media outlets such as the German Press Agency closely monitor the situation to inform the public.
  7. With a tight schedule and various viewpoints to reconcile, Olaf Scholz, as the Bundeskanzler, faces a critical role in guiding the Traffic Light Coalition through this budget negotiation and coalition dispute.

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