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Lifeguards rescued five Germans from the sea in Mallorca

At Son Bauló beach

Lifeguards rescued five Germans from the sea in Mallorca
Lifeguards rescued five Germans from the sea in Mallorca

Lifeguards rescued five Germans from the sea in Mallorca

Lifeguards have reportedly rescued five Germans from the sea in Mallorca, according to their own statements. Firstly, two men and two women from Germany were swimming at the Son Bauló beach in the east of the island when they were suddenly carried out to sea by a sudden strong current, according to Marsave company. A total of four lifeguards managed to bring them safely back to shore yesterday.

Additionally, a German tourist was rescued at the Sa Canova beach on the north coast. There, the man was carried out to sea by a sudden strong current after a sandbank was broken up by the waves and suddenly large amounts of water were pushed back towards the open sea. Eventually, two lifeguards were able to rescue the man despite the strong current.

The Sea off Son Bauló beach in Majorca can be unpredictable, as illustrated by the German swimmers who were carried out by a strong current. Despite being on vacation, the Majorcan lifeguard team proved their skill and courage in rescuing the Son's beach visitors. The man rescued at Sa Canova beach also encountered similar challenges, highlighting the importance of beach safety for all tourists, regardless of their nationality.

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