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Lifeguard strike on Mallorca: What holidaymakers should know

Lifeguards ensure safe vacation fun on the beach. But in Calvià on Mallorca, they want to stop work at the beginning of July to draw attention to two problems. This could mean that the municipality will have to close its beaches on that day.

A lifeguard watches a beach in Palma. Lifeguards in the municipality of Calvià plan to go on strike...
A lifeguard watches a beach in Palma. Lifeguards in the municipality of Calvià plan to go on strike on July 7.

Beaches closed? - Lifeguard strike on Mallorca: What holidaymakers should know

On July 7th, lifeguards in Calvia_, Mallorca, plan to go on strike. They want to draw attention to personnel issues, as a spokesperson told the German Press Agency on Saturday. With only one lifeguard on duty at a time, there is a risk that insufficient help would be provided in case of two emergencies happening simultaneously.

Furthermore, the equipment is outdated. "Our watchtowers are toppling over," complained the spokesperson for Calvia_'s beach wardens in the southwestern part of the Spanish Mediterranean island. Wheelchairs and sunbeds, used to transport disabled people into the water, are faulty. The protest targets the company employing the lifeguards and the town hall, responsible for enforcing regulations.

The beaches in Calvia_ might be closed on the strike day

If the strike goes ahead, the municipality would likely have to close the beaches on July 7th (a Sunday), as the safety of beachgoers could not be guaranteed. It remains to be seen if the lifeguards will reach an agreement with their employer and the town hall. Strikes on Mallorca are not uncommon and are often called off at the last minute. For instance, as reported by the Mallorca Newspaper, agreements are often reached just before the deadline. A possible alternative could be a protest where lifeguards fulfill their duties.

To the west of Palma, the island's capital city, are the popular beaches for German tourists Santa Ponca and Paguera, as well as the British holiday resort Magaluf.

Sources: DPA, Mallorca Newspaper

The German Press Agency reported about the planned strike by Calvia's lifeguards, which could lead to beach closures on Majorca's July 7th. During the strike, the spokesperson from the German Press Agency mentioned, they aim to bring attention to equipment issues and personnel shortages at Calvià's beaches.

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