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Lichtenberger District Mayor Hönicke was chosen

Kevin Honicke, Berlin-Lichtenberg's District Councilor, has been under criticism for a long time. Now, the District Parliament has voted him out of office.

No more restraint for District Councillor Kevin Hönicke
No more restraint for District Councillor Kevin Hönicke

Politics in Berlin - Lichtenberger District Mayor Hönicke was chosen

SPD-District Councilor Kevin Hoencke is leaving his position in Berlin-Lichtenberg. The District Assembly (BVV) voted in the evening with a broad majority for a joint recall motion from SPD, CDU, Greens, and Left. A two-thirds majority of all BVV members was required. Sandy Mattes, proposed by the SPD, was elected as Hoencke's successor as District Councilor for Schools and Sports. She was previously the Deputy Fraktionsvorsitzende of the Social Democrats in the district parliament.

Hoencke is accused of forwarding internal emails about allegations of misconduct and sexual harassment in another office anonym to a Berlin newspaper in May 2023. In October, Bezirksburgerermeister Martin Schaefer (CDU) suspended him.

Hoencke defended himself against this with legal means. The Oberverwaltungsgericht Berlin-Brandenburg lifted the ban on performing official duties in an expedited procedure. Hoencke returned to the district office in March 2024. However, the Berlin State Prosecutor's Office is still investigating him for suspected breach of official secrecy.

Hoencke himself had already announced a few days ago that he would accept and respect a recall. According to the district office, he currently still receives most of his remunerations. If he resigns, he would lose this entitlement.

In Berlin, the political landscape of the Lichtenberg district has seen a change with the departure of SPD-District Councilor Kevin Hoencke. The District Assembly, consisting of parties such as SPD, CDU, Greens, and Left, agreed on a joint recall motion. Following Hoencke's departure, Sandy Mattes, a prominent SPD member, was elected as his successor, focusing on educational and sports matters in the district.

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