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Letters soon only arrive after three days

Federal Council approves postal law

Consumers will have to wait longer for a standard letter from 2025.
Consumers will have to wait longer for a standard letter from 2025.

Letters soon only arrive after three days

When the Bundestag and Bundesrat last significantly reformed the Postlaw, emails were still novel. Those days are over. In the future, the German Post Office will be allowed to spend more time on letter delivery. The update also permits the use of post machines instead of post offices.

The first reform of the German Postlaw in 26 years has been sealed: With the new legislation, the German Post Office will have more time for letter delivery while ensuring that consumers receive these letters more reliably. The Bundesrat approved the plans in the early afternoon. The Bundestag had already approved them in June.

In Germany, 60 million letters and ten million packages are sent daily - but the number of letters sent by consumers is declining, with email usage increasing. With the new legislation, a comprehensive and affordable supply will be ensured. To improve competition on the market, the Federal Network Agency will receive additional competencies. The working conditions for parcel delivery personnel are also to be improved.

So far, at least 80% of letter deliveries in Germany had to be delivered the following workday, and 95% had to reach the recipient within two workdays. In the future, standard letter deliveries should reach 95% of recipients by the third workday after acceptance and 99% by the fourth workday. Therefore, the Post Office will no longer require night flights for letter delivery. "Longer delivery times make night flights unnecessary," Tobias Meyer, CEO of DHL, had said.

Post machines in villages

The reform also allows for the installation of post machines instead of post offices. However, there are strict limits: The installation of machines can only be credited against the still valid network obligation where the Post Office cannot find a retailer who sets up a post counter in their store. This could be the case in some villages where supermarkets or kiosks have closed down.

Municipal representatives will be involved in the post machine issue, and the Federal Network Agency has the final say. New is also a labeling requirement for packages over 10 kg, so that delivery personnel do not have to lift heavy packages and risk back problems.

The originally demanded ban on subcontractors in the parcel industry by the Bundesrat has been dropped, but strict control mechanisms will apply for their use. For the trade union Verdi and some politicians, subcontractors are a red flag due to the poor working conditions they criticize. The customs authorities have discovered cases of illegal work and other legal violations during raids. The law will come into force in its essential parts in January 2025.

The German Post, under the new legislation, can now install post machines in villages where retailers are unable to set up post counters, helping to maintain service in certain areas. The Federal Council, having considered the post machine issue, has granted the final say to the Federal Network Agency.

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