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Leipzig Hotels benefit from EURO 2024

During the EM, hotels in Leipzig were almost fully booked. Some customer groups, however, avoided the city as well.

The hotel industry was able to achieve higher margins than usual on average due to the EM.
The hotel industry was able to achieve higher margins than usual on average due to the EM.

Tourism - Leipzig Hotels benefit from EURO 2024

Many hotels in Leipzig have benefited from this year's Football-European Championship. "The industry was able to achieve higher margins than usual," said Axel Erhardt, Chairman of the Leipzig Hotel Alliance. This was mainly due to the relatively higher accommodation costs during the tournament. During the match days in the city, at least 90% of the beds in most hotels were booked. In addition, the city, the country, and ultimately also the hotels could have benefited from an image gain.

However, the number of hotel guests was roughly the same as the previous year, "as the EM displaced business," Erhardt added further. Some customer groups avoided the city due to the tournament and the expected higher prices and occupancy rates.

The Hotel Alliance is a consortium of large hotels in the city, which Erhardt currently offers 7190 rooms.

Leipzig was one of ten German cities where Football-EM matches were held. In addition to three group matches in June, the Achtelfinale between Austria and Turkey (1:2) was also held at the Leipzig Stadium.

The gastronomy was also livened up by the EM. The Hotel- and Gaststättenverband Sachsen recently drew up an overall positive balance. Alone at the Fanzone on the Leipzig Augustusplatz, 175,400 fans streamed in at the halfway point of the EM. "We need more such events," emphasized the managing director Axel Klein.

  1. Axel Erhardt, the Chairman of the Leipzig Hotel Alliance, mentioned that other customer groups chose to avoid the city during the European Championship due to expected higher prices and occupancy rates.
  2. Despite the Football-European Championship, the number of guests at the hotels in Leipzig remained roughly the same as the previous year, according to Erhardt's additional remarks.
  3. The European Football Championship led to a boom in the hospitality industry in Saxony's city of Leipzig, with at least 90% of rooms in most hotels being booked during match days.
  4. The Alliance, a consortium of large hotels in Leipzig, offered 7190 rooms, and its chairman, Axel Erhardt, noted that the industry was able to achieve higher margins due to the tournament.
  5. Leipzig, which hosted ten German cities for the Football-European Championship, saw an increase in its tourism sector, with the city benefiting from an image gain as well as a boost in its gastronomy, as mentioned by Axel Klein from the Hotel- and Gaststättenverband Sachsen.

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