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Left in the Bundestag want to continue as a group

Following the resignation of Sahra Wagenknecht, the left-wing parliamentary group has decided to disband. However, the work in parliament is to continue: "We remain the left-wing opposition," says parliamentary group leader Bartsch.

Dietmar Bartsch: "We remain the left-wing opposition."
Dietmar Bartsch: "We remain the left-wing opposition."

Left in the Bundestag want to continue as a group

Following the planned dissolution of the Left Party parliamentary group in the Bundestag next week, its members want to continue as a so-called group in parliament. Parliamentary group leader Dietmar Bartsch said on Thursday that a motion to this effect would be tabled in the Bundestag. They will continue to be the voice for social justice in the German Bundestag. "We will remain the left-wing opposition."

A Bundestag resolution is required to approve a group and determine its rights. Compared to a parliamentary group, a group has slightly fewer parliamentary rights and also receives less financial support from the state coffers.

In mid-November, the left-wing parliamentary group decided to disband on December 6. The background to this is the resignation of former parliamentary group leader Sahra Wagenknecht and nine other MPs from the party. Without them, the parliamentary group will lose its minimum size of 37 MPs and will have to be liquidated.

Sahra Wagenknecht and her allies, who recently left the Left Party, will no longer be part of the group in the Bundestag. Despite the dissolution of their parliamentary group, members still aim to continue as a group in the German Parliament, advocating for social justice. After submitting a resolution to the Bundestag, Dietmar Bartsch, the group leader, confirmed that they will continue to function as the left-wing opposition.


