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Left for a radical economic turnaround

Now that Sahra Wagenknecht and her supporters are going their own way politically, the Left Party is united. The party presents a strategy - and attacks the traffic light parties.

The Left Party wants to gain a new profile in economic and climate
The Left Party wants to gain a new profile in economic and climate

Left for a radical economic turnaround

Following the political break with Sahra Wagenknecht, the Left Party wants to gain a new profile in economic and climate policy. A strategy paper proposes a climate allowance of 200 euros per month, state involvement in refineries and pipelines as well as energy subsidies for industry.

Following consultations in Berlin, Co-Chair Janine Wissler also sharply criticized the German government's steps against irregular migration. "All this talk of upper limits and border controls doesn't solve a single problem. What we actually need is better funding for local authorities," she demanded, citing investments in affordable housing and schools. Wissler said: "We don't have a refugee problem, we have a distribution problem in this country."

Criticism of traffic lights

Around two weeks ago, Wagenknecht and nine other members of the Bundestag declared their resignation from the Left Party and announced a rival party. Ahead of the European elections and the important East German state elections in 2024, the Left Party is now trying to regain its footing and put poor election results behind it. Unlike Wagenknecht, the Left is in favor of strict climate protection and a rapid restructuring of the economy.

"You see the party in great unity today," said Left Party Co-Chairman Martin Schirdewan after the strategy consultations. The "Ampel" is taking out the "cutback hammer" and is "slavishly" sticking to the debt brake.

Schirdewan: "We believe this is a dead end into which the traffic light wants to steer this country." Dietmar Bartsch, Chairman of the Left Party in the Bundestag, demanded: "The time of paralyzing self-employment must be over, and it will be over." For the Left, the elections, especially the three state elections in the new federal states, are of particular importance.

The ideas of the Left

According to the paper, the proposed "social climate money" of 200 euros per month should be paid to anyone with an income of up to 4000 euros gross per month. Nothing is specifically said about financing. This also applies to the "largest investment program in the history of the Republic" in industry, energy and transport. The paper merely repeats the demand for a departure from the debt brake and for redistribution.

According to the Left Party's ideas, an "industrial foundation" financed by the federal government should take over shares in important companies and thus protect critical infrastructure such as refineries, pipelines, energy storage facilities or ports from foreign takeovers.

The paper also calls for financial aid for companies to convert to more climate-friendly production and low energy prices for industrial companies. "Regional economic and transformation councils" with representatives from business, government and associations should have a say in the allocation of research funding.



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