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Orthography can be a challenging thing - primary school children can now learn correct spelling...
Orthography can be a challenging thing - primary school children can now learn correct spelling with an app.

For primary school students - Learn spelling for apps

Orthography learning through App - even elementary school children might find it appealing: Researchers from the University in Hannover and Lübeck have developed an corresponding App for children in elementary school age. With the so-called Booost App, children could learn to correct spelling errors independently using their smartphone or tablet, according to the University of Hannover.

The free App is designed for girls and boys in the 2nd to 4th grade - for Children with reading-orthography weakness, but also for those whose mother tongue is not German. Writing is done with the hand, that is, with the finger or a stylus-pen. Practice sessions can be interrupted and continued at a later time. The App requires only an internet connection during the first start.

Scientists and researchers from the Institute for Sport Science at Leibniz University Hannover and Neuroscientists from the University of Lübeck developed the digital training method based on findings from educational research - the App was subsequently created. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research supported the development. The App also provides tips.

Since April, the App has been available for the Android operating system - and meanwhile also for devices with the iPhone operating system iOS. Children can begin practicing after a three-minute introduction and "even have fun doing it," said project leader Alfred Effenberg from the University of Hannover.

The Boost App, developed by researchers from the University of Hannover and Lübeck, is particularly beneficial for children in the 2nd to 4th grade, available on both Android and iOS. It's designed to assist not only those with reading-orthography weaknesses but also non-German speakers. The digital training method, based on educational research, can be used with a smartphone or tablet and a stylus-pen, making it convenient for children. With the App, children can learn to correct spelling errors independently, practicing at their own pace with the option to resume sessions later. The University of Hannover recommends this app as a fun and useful tool for orthography learning, endorsed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

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