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Le Pen: Right-wing government team already in place

A few days before the decisive round of the parliamentary elections in France, Le Pen emphasizes his desire to take over the government. "We want to govern so that things are clear"

Marine Le Pen's right-wing nationalists want to take over the government in France.
Marine Le Pen's right-wing nationalists want to take over the government in France.

After the election in France - Le Pen: Right-wing government team already in place

The far-right Rassemblement National (RN) in France is gearing up for a government takeover. Its minister team will consist of people from the RN, those who fought the election campaign with us, and people from civil society, RN leader Marine Le Pen told France Inter.

"This government will be complete, it will be competent, it will be made up of people from the RN, people who fought the election campaign with us, and people from civil society," Le Pen responded to accusations that her party lacks suitable personnel for a government. She herself does not want to be part of a government but to take over the leadership of the National Assembly faction, Le Pen added about her own role.

Le Pen attacks Macron

Her party intends to govern with a clear majority in parliament, Le Pen said. "We cannot accept going into the government if we cannot act," the 55-year-old stated. "We want to govern so that things are clear." If a majority of seats is missing, her party will convince Conservative and other party deputies to join the government.

Le Pen accused President Emmanuel Macron of trying to block the RN in the second round of the upcoming presidential election by strategically withdrawing candidates in certain constituencies. Macron "is doing everything today to try and sabotage the democratic process," Le Pen stated.

Hoping for an early presidential election

After the early parliamentary election, Le Pen also hopes for an early presidential election - "as soon as possible," to push through the political restructuring her party aims for. If Macron resigns, "we will enthusiastically join the presidential election race." The presidential election is scheduled for 2027 at the earliest.

Le Pen stated that she needs the legitimacy of a presidential election to pass certain laws. With this statement, she is referring to her proposal to ban the headscarf in public places and impose a fine for violations.

Exclusion of dual citizens from public functions

Furthermore, Le Pen announced that, in the case of a government takeover, she would exclude people with dual citizenship from certain public functions and privatize the public broadcaster. "We believe that, in a large democracy, the state should not have control over part of the media," Le Pen stated.

In the first round of the parliamentary election over the weekend, the Rassemblement National was the strongest force, ahead of the new Left Alliance and Macron's Centrist Camp in third place. However, the composition of the National Assembly will only be decided in the decisive second round of voting on the coming Sunday.

Interview Le Pen on France Inter

  1. Marine Le Pen, the leader of the Rassemblement National (RN), discussed her party's plans for a government takeover during an interview on France Inter.
  2. Le Pen highlighted that the upcoming government will be a combination of RN members, individuals who supported the election campaign, and figures from civil society.
  3. Le Pen evidently rejected accusations of lacking qualified personnel for a government role, asserting that the new administration will be competent and complete.
  4. In response to criticisms, Le Pen clarified her intention to lead the National Assembly faction rather than become part of the government herself.
  5. Le Pen expressed hope for a parliamentary majority, stating that the RN will negotiate with Conservative and other parties' deputies if necessary.
  6. During the France Inter interview, Le Pen accused President Emmanuel Macron of manipulating the second round of the presidential election, aiming to hinder the RN's progress.
  7. Le Pen revealed her desire for an early presidential election, preferably as soon as possible, to further her party's political aims and potentially join the race if Macron resigns.

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