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Lawrow praised Trump's Vice President Pence regarding Ukraine-quotes

What's happening with Ukraine, anyway?

Vance apparently built a bridge to Russia.
Vance apparently built a bridge to Russia.

Lawrow praised Trump's Vice President Pence regarding Ukraine-quotes

It doesn't fit with Vice Presidential candidate Trump's pick, J.D. Vance, that the USA supports Ukraine with billions against Russia. He doesn't care about Ukraine, Vance said before the outbreak of the war. This statement pleases the Russian Foreign Minister.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov praised J.D. Vance, the Vice Presidential candidate presented by the Republican US Presidential candidate Donald Trump. According to Russian news agency TASS, Lavrov spoke at the United Nations in New York and said, "We can only welcome this, because this is exactly what is needed - and that is to stop arming Ukraine." Lavrow added, "The war will be over. We will begin to look for solutions."

Lavrov said he had heard that Vance had renounced a stop to the weapons deliveries to Ukraine and advocated for a solution to the Ukraine conflict. Vance has spoken out particularly clearly against the US billions of dollars in support for the Ukraine under attack from Russia and had voted against the billion-dollar aid in the Senate in the spring.

A few days before the outbreak of the war, Vance said, " frankly, I don't care what happens to Ukraine, one way or another." Two years later, he wrote, "Biden's government has no effective plan on how the Ukrainians can win this war. The sooner the Americans come to terms with this truth, the sooner we can put an end to this chaos and mediate peace." Europeans are expected to do more for Ukraine by Vance.

Russia started its armed conflict against Ukraine on February 24, 2022. The USA is the largest supporter of Ukraine. Trump himself has repeatedly claimed that he could end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours. However, he has never revealed any details for this claim.

  1. Despite Vice Presidential candidate Trump's pick, J.D. Vance, expressing indifference towards Ukraine before the conflict, Russian Foreign Minister Sergej Lawrow still commended Vance's stance on the issue at the United Nations.
  2. Contrary to what Vance had stated before the war, urging no intervention in Ukraine's conflict, he later criticized the US aid to Ukraine and suggested European nations should take a more active role.
  3. The Russian Foreign Minister, Sergej Lawrow, acknowledged hearing about Vance's change in stance, which included no longer advocating for a halt to weapons deliveries to Ukraine, in his address at the United Nations.

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