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Lauterbach announces concept for care reform

In an ageing society, more and more people are dependent on care - but funding is tight. The coalition now wants to react quickly.

Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) is planning another care reform.
Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) is planning another care reform.

Rising costs - Lauterbach announces concept for care reform

Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach announced a pension reform before the federal election in the face of rising costs. "We will present a concept after the summer break," said the SPD politician in Berlin. The concept is expected to involve a comprehensive plan for more capacity in care personnel, stronger prevention of care needs, and closing a financial gap. Lauterbach said: "We are facing a challenge here, but it is also solvable." It is "not a cost explosion that we are facing."

The Minister also said: "The traffic light will still present a major pension reform." The pension insurance expects red figures again this year. In the first quarter of 2024, a deficit of 650 million euros existed, the peak association of statutory health insurance funds recently reported, which also represents the pension funds. In the entire year, a deficit of 1.5 billion euros is calculated, for 2025 then of 3.4 billion euros. In the previous year, the pension insurance had recorded a surplus of 1.79 billion euros.

  1. The SPD's proposal for care reform, as mentioned by Lauterbach, includes a focus on long-term care insurance, aiming to increase capacity in care personnel and enhance preventive measures.
  2. Lauterbach, the Federal Health Minister, emphasized during the Berlin press conference that the upcoming federal election will see the presentation of a comprehensive care reform concept from the SPD-led government.
  3. To address the financial gap in long-term care, the Federal Government, led by the SPD, is contemplating reforms, with Karl Lauterbach leading the charge in Germany's health sector.
  4. Following the summer break, the newly constituted German Cabinet, led by the SPD, plans to present a pension reform concept that also incorporates a strategic plan for long-term care, including insurance and personnel provisions.
  5. In the lead-up to the federal election, Lauterbach, a prominent SPD politician, reiterated that the care reform includes a significant emphasis on long-term care insurance, with the support of the Federal Government.

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