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Lauterbach accuses Spahn of mask affair serious allegations

Personnel consequences possible

The former (l.) and the incumbent Health Minister (r.) had apparent need for clarification in mask...
The former (l.) and the incumbent Health Minister (r.) had apparent need for clarification in mask procurement.

Lauterbach accuses Spahn of mask affair serious allegations

In the early phase of the Corona Crisis 2020, purchase contracts for masks were signed without further negotiations at fixed purchase prices. Health Minister Lauterbach sees major oversights and errors in his predecessor Spahn's mask deals. Now every corner is to be checked.

To shed light on the controversial procurement of protective equipment in the early phase of the Corona Pandemic, Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach has announced an internal investigation in his ministry. He has appointed Margaretha Sudhof, the former state secretary in the Justice and Defense Ministry, as the clarification commissioner for the mask procedures, according to the FAZ. "Mrs. Sudhof will thoroughly investigate and make transparent the oversights from the last legislative period", announced the SPD politician. "She is now going through every corner." Within a few months, he will receive a report from the jurist, which could also have personnel consequences.

Lauterbach apparently sees major oversights during Spahn's tenure. "If mistakes were made, then they must be put on the table, and it seems clear that was the case", he said. So the documentation for the mask procurement is "highly problematic". It also needs to be clarified why, despite the procurement stop in the so-called Open-House Procedure due to excessive delivery promises, further direct contracts were still closed.

The high purchase price of 4.50 Euros per mask has apparently been set by Lauterbach's predecessor Jens Spahn. He announced that this suspicion against the CDU politician would be investigated: "The files are now being secured, archived, and evaluated."

Spahn also recommended the logistics company Fiege. The headquarters of this company are in his constituency. "It raises questions when a company from the minister's region is chosen, which is not exactly a world corporation", Lauterbach noted.

Lauterbach threatens consequences

The Health Minister rejects a settlement with complaining mask suppliers who accuse the Ministry of not paying and breaching contracts. After a critical report from the Federal Court of Auditors and the Ministry's defeat before the Cologne Higher Regional Court, it is being considered to appeal to the Federal Court of Justice, Lauterbach announced.

It's about avoiding a potential damage of 2.3 billion Euros: "I am the one who tries to clear up the mess and at the same time keep the damage for the taxpayer as low as possible."

Lauterbach also threatens employees who made mistakes or are involved in the clarification with consequences. "If individuals made mistakes back then, they must bear the responsibility for it", Lauterbach said. He emphasized: "I do not come across as hesitant when it comes to personnel consequences."

  1. The controversy surrounding the procurement of protective equipment during the early phase of the Corona Crisis has led Health Minister Karl Lauterbach to accuse his predecessor, Jens Spahn, of major oversights in the mask deals.
  2. In response to these allegations, Lauterbach has initiated an internal investigation into the mask procurement process, appointing Margaretha Sudhof as the clarification commissioner to thoroughly examine the situation.
  3. Lauterbach has also highlighted the issue of direct contracts being signed despite a procurement stop due to excessive delivery promises, raising questions about the transparency and fairness of the Corona-Measures implementing by his predecessor.

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