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Lausitz receives funding for medical help via video

A project promoting more telemedicine in the Spree-Neiße district will be expanded to four districts and the city of Cottbus in Lausitz with funding. If successful, it will apply to all of Brandenburg.

There are funding options for telemedicine at the Carl-Thiem-Clinicum Cottbus (Archival Image)
There are funding options for telemedicine at the Carl-Thiem-Clinicum Cottbus (Archival Image)

Health - Lausitz receives funding for medical help via video

The Lausitz region is set to receive almost 650,000 Euro in funding for the strengthening of healthcare services through telemedicine - medical assistance via video. In the districts of Dahme-Spreewald, Elbe-Elster, Oberspreewald-Lausitz, Spree-Neiße, and Cottbus, all emergency vehicles - including 100 ambulances - are to be equipped with tablets and software, according to the Potsdam State Chancellery.

This would allow patient data to be transmitted to a Tele-Notary doctor in the control room and the Medical University of Lausitz - Carl Thiem during emergency responses. If the situation is critical, a doctor can order treatment and medication. The funding comes from the Federal Government for structural support following the exit from lignite.

Project to be expanded

"Every person should, regardless of their place of residence, have access to high-quality healthcare services and quickly receive competent medical help," said State Chancellor Kathrin Schneider (SPD). "Telemedicine can be life-saving."

Two years ago, a pilot project was started in the Spree-Neiße district. The use of digital technology in emergency services is now to be expanded to the entire Lausitz control center. In the future, 20 to 30 percent of emergency doctor responses are to be digital, which corresponds to 25,000 emergency doctor responses in the Lausitz control center area. For this, 15 doctors are to be trained as Tele-Notaries.

If the project is successful, it is to be extended to all control centers and emergency services in Brandenburg.

The funding for this project is primarily sourced from the Federal Government's grants for structural support post-lignite exit, specifically in the Lausitz region.

The pilot project for telemedicine in the Spree-Neiße district, initiated two years ago, has shown promising results and will now be expanded to the entire Lausitz control center.

The implementation in the Lausitz control center aims to have digital technology incorporated into 20-30% of emergency doctor responses, equating to approximately 25,000 responses in the area.

This expansion will require training for 15 doctors to become Tele-Notaries, capable of providing medical assistance via video during emergencies.

Should the project prove successful in Lausitz, plans are to extend it to all control centers and emergency services across the Brandenburg district, remarkably enhancing healthcare accessibility in Dahme-Spreewald, Elbe-Elster, Oberspreewald-Lausitz, Spree-Neiße, and Cottbus.

The ultimate goal is to ensure that residents in remote areas, such as those in Dahme-Spreewald, Elbe-Elster, Oberspreewald-Lausitz, Spree-Neiße, and Cottbus, have equal opportunities for high-quality healthcare and prompt medical attention, aiding the people of Lusatia.

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