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Large forest fire on Greek island of Euboea

Large forest fire on Greek island of Euboea

On the second-largest Greek island of Euboea, firefighters and volunteers are battling a large forest fire that is proving difficult to control due to strong winds. The fire has spread rapidly in rough terrain, according to a fire service spokesperson. Several villages and settlements in the affected southern region of the island have been evacuated as a precaution.

Over 200 firefighters and hundreds of volunteers are on the scene, along with seven water-bombing aircraft, four helicopters, and a coast guard fire-fighting boat, authorities reported.

The Euboea blaze is just one of over 50 fires that have broken out across Greece in the past 24 hours, the spokesperson said. However, most of these have been brought under control quickly. Not so on Euboea, where the mayor of the affected municipality of Kymi-Aliveri told the "Kathimerini" newspaper, "We're used to fires here." He now hopes that...

Since the outbreak of the forest fire on Euboea, the weather conditions have not been favorable for containment. Since the fire service spokesperson announced the rapid spread of the fire, several efforts have been made to control its progress.

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