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Landtag demands: nowhere in MV work together with AfD

The Landtag called on the representatives from all levels in MV to oppose the AfD in all ways and at all times. 39% went against this.

The Landtag has predominantly urged all elected representatives in MV to not select an AfD...
The Landtag has predominantly urged all elected representatives in MV to not select an AfD representative for any office and to not approve any proposals from this party. The decision is controversial.

Controversial decision - Landtag demands: nowhere in MV work together with AfD

The Landtag in Schwerin has called on all elected representatives in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern to "not select candidates or office holders from democratic parties or organizations and not support their applications". This decision was passed with a majority of SPD-, Linke- and Greens-politicians. Out of 71 participating deputies, 43 supported the demand and 28 voted against it.

Intended is the AfD

The Green deputy Constanze Oehlrich stated in the previous debate that the AfD could have named themselves explicitly in the SPD and Linke proposal, as they were clearly meant. She wanted to destroy the liberal-democratic order. The AfD fraction leader Nikolaus Kramer called the adopted appeal undemocratic.

"Nothing to prescribe to local representatives"

Speakers from CDU and FDP made it clear in the debate that they could not agree to prescribing how local representatives should behave. The Liberal chairman in the Landtag, René Domke, said the appeal was an interference in local self-government, which has constitutional rank, and expressed mistrust towards locally elected representatives.

CDU deputy Sebastian Ehlers said the demand posed the risk that people would turn away from democracy and that even more people would turn to the AfD.

In the end, it's also about the functionality of municipalities, Ehlers added further. The AfD emerged as the strongest force in the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern municipal election on June 9 with 25.6% of the votes, just ahead of the CDU (24.0%). The SPD came in with 12.8%, the Linke with 8.7%, and the Greens with 5.5%.

AfD politicians lead committees in the Landtag

In these weeks, newly elected municipal and district councils are being constituted, and mayors and committee chairs are being elected. In Teterow (Landkreis Rostock), an AfD politician was elected as mayor. According to the Rostock political scientist Wolfgang Muno, the so-called "wall against the AfD" has already had many holes in the last few years. Domke referred to the fact that there are also committee chairs from the AfD in the MV Landtag. One cannot measure with two different measures.

  1. Despite the Landtag's call to exclude candidates from democratic parties, the AfD emerged as the strongest force in the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern municipal election.
  2. René Domke, the liberal chairman in the Landtag, expressed mistrust towards locally elected representatives and viewed the appeal as an interference in local self-government.
  3. The FDP, alongside the CDU, disagreed with prescribing how local representatives should behave, fearing it could drive more people to the AfD.
  4. Following the election, an AfD politician was elected as mayor in Teterow, further challenging the perceived "wall against the AfD."
  5. Domke also mentioned that there are committee chairs from the AfD in the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern State Parliament, emphasizing the need for consistency in measuring political representation.

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