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Schleswig-Holstein regulates the accommodation of Asylseekers anew.(Archival photo)
Schleswig-Holstein regulates the accommodation of Asylseekers anew.(Archival photo)

Migration - Land and communities regulate new admissions

States and municipalities in Schleswig-Holstein will regulate the intake of Refugees organically and financially anew. "From the beginning, the land and municipalities have sought each other's shoulders and pull together in the acceptance and integration of Refugees," said Minister-President Daniel Günther (CDU) about a corresponding agreement between the state government and municipal peak associations. He spoke of a fair and sustainable solution.

The land will only keep 6,250 active places in the intake from now on. In addition, there should be 3,750 inactive places that can be used in case of emergency. The land plans to reduce the number of active places (7,123 active places at the end of May according to the State Office for Migration and Refugees) as early as November.

People with poor prospects of staying will no longer be distributed to cities and municipalities, but will remain in the state shelters until their return. Communities should still be informed four weeks before the intake of migrants on site.

7,500 Euro per Asyl application

The foundations of financing do not change in the current year. The municipalities will receive a one-time ten million Euro. However, various state funding programs, which are financed over the Ukraine emergency credit, expire at the end of the year. The Federal Government provides 7,500 Euro per head for each Asyl application. From next year, the land passes on 90% of this (6,750 Euro) to the municipalities. The black-green coalition also increases the so-called integration fee in the communal financial equalization by 2 million Euro to 13 million Euro in favor of districts and city-free cities.

"The handling of accommodation, supply, care and integration of Asylseekers remains a major challenge for the municipal level, for which they are urgently dependent on support from the state and the Federal Government," said the managing director of the Association of Cities Marc Ziertmann. The Federal Government and the states remained responsible for freeing the municipalities from financial overburdening and providing necessary funds in times of high access numbers.

Integration Minister Aminata Touré (Greens) emphasized, "with this agreement, we are also well prepared for the case that in the coming months more Refugees come to us." With the new location concept with active and inactive places in the intake, the land can react more quickly to current developments. Finance Minister Monika Heinold (Greens) stated, it was important and right that the financial support of the Federal Government came significantly to the municipalities.

  1. The agreement between the Schleswig-Holstein state government and municipal peak associations includes the organic and financial regulation of refugee intake for the municipalities.
  2. Daniel Günther, the Minister-President of Schleswig-Holstein (CDU), mentioned that the land and municipalities have collaborated in accepting and integrating refugees from the beginning.
  3. Instead of distributing refugees with poor prospects of staying to cities and municipalities, they will remain in state shelters until their return.
  4. The Federal Government provides 7,500 Euro per head for each asylum application, which the land passes on to municipalities as 90% of this amount (6,750 Euro) starting from next year.
  5. Aminata Touré, the Integration Minister from the Greens, highlighted that the agreement is essential for preparing for potential future refugee influxes and ensuring financial support for municipalities.

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