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Ladies' lockers in series - 22-year-old testifies in court

A young woman secretly puts merchandise in her pockets in shops frequently. Shampoo, laundry detergent, or clothing she tries to slip past the cashier - once even using pepper spray.

A 22-year-old mustreckon with a prison sentence for burglaries.
A 22-year-old mustreckon with a prison sentence for burglaries.

Theft process - Ladies' lockers in series - 22-year-old testifies in court

A suspected serial shoplifter, aged 22, stands trial at the Berlin Regional Court for over 20 offenses. The young woman is accused of stealing in drugstores and clothing shops, secretly concealing merchandise. In one instance, she sprayed pepper spray in the face of a security guard who had caught her in the act, according to the indictment. The 22-year-old declared at the beginning of the trial that she was sorry and no violence was intended. If it happened, it was "in reflex."

The indictment includes charges of serious robbery, grievous bodily harm, resistance against execution officers, shoplifting, and coercion. Crimes between June 18, 2023, and February 26, 2024, are attributed to the woman. She reportedly acted in partnership with accomplices in Berlin and within the city.

Men's clothing worth 5,861 Euro

In November 2023, she stole men's clothing worth nearly 450 Euro from a department store and injured a security guard and a customer with pepper spray, the indictment states. In one case, the woman, who had previously been convicted of theft, attempted to steal men's clothing worth 5,861 Euro from a department store in Berlin-Schöneberg. Once, she threw stones to escape with the stolen goods. Additionally, she attacked police officers who wanted to control her at the edge of a market.

The defendant has been in pretrial detention for four months. She stated before her testimony that she should not steal or behave aggressively. She grew up in a family where she was beaten. Whenever someone approached her, she had a "such reflex." She asked for leniency.

There was a so-called reconciliation of the trial participants before the testimony. The court offered the defendant a sentence of three years and two months to a maximum of three years and nine months in prison if she made a comprehensive confession. The trial continues on July 26.

  1. The young woman's trial for shoplifting in drugstores and clothing shops took place at the Berlin Regional Court.
  2. According to the indictment, the lady disappeared merchandise from these stores, secretly concealing it.
  3. The theft charges against the woman include an incident where she caused bodily harm to a security guard by spraying pepper spray.
  4. Ms. Justice will consider the woman's past theft conviction, as well as her aggressive behavior, during the court process.
  5. The lady's accomplices in Berlin and within the city are also alleged to have been involved in various acts of criminality.

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