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Kühnert expresses regret over a harsh election outcome.

In the European elections, the SPD achieves its worst performance in a nationwide vote, hovering at around 14%. General Secretary Kühnert calls it a "severe setback."

"This is a tough defeat for us today," said SPD General Secretary Kevin Kühnert.
"This is a tough defeat for us today," said SPD General Secretary Kevin Kühnert.

The upcoming European elections - Kühnert expresses regret over a harsh election outcome.

Kühnert, Secretary General of SPD, regarded his party's performance in the European election as a painful outcome. "This is a tough loss for us," he mentioned on Sunday night to ARD.

Kühnert stated that SPD wouldn't engage in debates about the individual of Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD). The party worked closely with Scholz during the campaign and would have seemed out of place if they didn't highlight him as a significant figure in Europe. It wouldn't be fitting to blame Scholz for this poor result now. "We succeed together, and we fail together." The SPD won't be seeking anyone to take the blame.

Kühnert explained that the SPD requires introspection and honest examination of the result. He pledged to supporters: "We'll return." Kühnert specified one cause of the result to be the situation where SPD, as the most powerful force in the coalition, has to ensure order while demonstrating its brand.

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