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Kubicki condemns Green Party's "condescending" attitude.

The "approach" has concluded.

FDP deputy leader Kubicki also shares his thoughts on the analysis of the election results.
FDP deputy leader Kubicki also shares his thoughts on the analysis of the election results.

Kubicki condemns Green Party's "condescending" attitude.

Traffic light parties experienced a disappointing outcome in the European election, particularly the Greens. FDP Vice President Kubicki attributes the decline in support for the ruling parties to the Greens' strategy of dictating how people should act. To revitalize the government parties, the SPD and the Greens must shift their stance closer to the FDP.

FDP Vice President Wolfgang Kubicki has urged his governing partners, the SPD and the Greens, to adapt their policies in response to the disastrous performance of the traffic light coalition in the European election.

"Clearly, our coalition partners must shift their stance to align with the Free Democrats following their abysmal election results," Kubicki said in interviews with "Stuttgarter Zeitung" and "Stuttgarter Nachrichten."

He asserted, "The voter-alienating approach of the Greens, condescendingly instructing people on how to behave, has reached its limits. The patronizing, big-government attitude with the state acting as a money spender in the shadows does not draw anyone near the fireplace anymore." Conversely, "people are distancing themselves, not just from democratic procedures in general, but also from the particular targets of the Greens and Social Democrats."

All three traffic light parties experienced setbacks in the European election; the Greens endured the worst decrease in comparison to the 2019 election. The SPD obtained its worst result in a European election to date. The FDP also underperformed in comparison to their 2021 federal election standing. This development has prompted all three parties to refocus on the priorities they care about, which could generate more friction in the coalition.

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