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Kretschmer sees traffic light amongst fools

Michael Kretschmer is not letting any good hair form at the federal level coalition - neither as Minister-President nor as leader of the Saxon Union. He also rejects new plans.

Dresden: Sachsen's CDU-Leader and Minister-President Michael Kretschmer sees the traffic light in...
Dresden: Sachsen's CDU-Leader and Minister-President Michael Kretschmer sees the traffic light in Berlin on a wrong track. Archive photo

Taxes - Kretschmer sees traffic light amongst fools

The Coalition led by the Traffic Light (Ampel) parties is losing sight, according to the conviction of Saxony's Minister-President Michael Kretschmer (CDU). "The Ampel is confusing. But as clear as with the tax break for foreign expert labor was never before," he told the German Press Agency in his capacity as Chairman of the Union. "I will not tolerate unequal treatment with people who have worked here for many years and pay taxes. Instead, the tax and tax burden for all female and male employees should decrease."

The plans of the Federal Government to attract foreign expert labor using tax incentives have been criticized before. In order to make Germany more attractive for experts from abroad in light of the labor shortage in some industries, the government intends to make the first three years of wages for "newly arrived skilled workers" tax-free up to 30%, 20%, and 10%. However, there should be limits on salaries. Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) referred to other European countries that already grant tax exemptions for incoming skilled workers.

Kretschmer also commented on the Federal Government's reform plans for Citizen's Income: "The Federal Government is starting the winding down of Citizen's Income (...) Since the experiment with Citizen's Income has failed, it should also abolish the misleading name. Germany needs a new basic security", emphasized the Saxon Prime Minister. . The proposed tightening measures would align with the demands of the Union faction in the negotiation committee.

The Traffic Light Coalition had announced that they wanted to make it harder for more recipients of Citizen's Income to take up work. So, a longer path to work should be acceptable in the future, rejection of suitable work should be punished with increased benefit cuts, and also black market work should lead to benefit reductions.

  1. Michael Kretschmer, the Chair of the Union and Minister-President of Saxony, expressed reservations about the Traffic Light Coalition's approach to migration, stating, "I will not tolerate unequal treatment with people who have worked here for many years and pay taxes."
  2. Criticizing the Federal Government's plans to attract foreign expert labor using tax incentives, Kretschmer said, "The Ampel is confusing, but the clear principle of tax breaks for foreign expert labor was never before."
  3. The German Press Agency reported Kretschmer's stance on the issue, highlighting his role as the CDU leader in Saxony.
  4. Referencing the labor shortage in certain industries, the Federal Government proposed tax-free wages for newly arrived skilled workers up to 30%, 20%, and 10%, with limitations on salaries.
  5. In response to the Federal Government's reform plans for Citizen's Income, Kretschmer said, "Germany needs a new basic security" and criticized the failed experiment with Citizen's Income.
  6. The Saxon Prime Minister also opposed the Traffic Light Coalition's plan to make it harder for more Citizen's Income recipients to find work, stating, "A longer path to work should not be acceptable."
  7. The proposed tightening measures for citizens receiving Citizen's Income coincide with the demands of the Union faction in the negotiation committee.

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