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Kretschmer dislikes talk of a "firewall"

"We're not doing ourselves any favors"

Saxony's CDU state leader Kretschmer does not want to work with the AfD, but he also has no...
Saxony's CDU state leader Kretschmer does not want to work with the AfD, but he also has no intention of building a wall.

Kretschmer dislikes talk of a "firewall"

Sachsen's Minister-President Kretschmer of the CDU warns party leadership in Berlin against exaggerating the speech about the "Wall" towards the AfD. It gives a false impression that we want to deny parliamentary rights to the AfD, Kretschmer stated, without mentioning party leader Merz by name.

Sachsen's Minister-President Michael Kretschmer criticized the ongoing discussion about a "Wall" towards the AfD. "We don't do ourselves any favors when we constantly talk about a wall," he told the news portal t-online. Although he doesn't work with the AfD, as he considers it a party that has drifted away, "where hate is fostered, the SS is trivialized, and women are tolerated - that's not in line with my values." However, Kretschmer also emphasized: "If representatives are democratically elected by the people, it's our duty to deal with them."

The Saxon Minister-President added that this happens every day - in the Bundestag, committee meetings and hearings, where every deputy has the same rights. "The talk about a wall has given the impression that the AfD would be denied parliamentary rights. That was and is not the case," Kretschmer said.

Within the CDU, the statement that the wall is towards the AfD had been emphasized repeatedly. CDU leader Friedrich Merz had also used the term in the past and categorically ruled out cooperation with the AfD.

Sachsen Trend: AfD's lead shrinks

In Saxony, a new state parliament will be elected on September 1. According to the latest survey from June 19 by Infratest dimap, the AfD's lead over the CDU has shrunk to just one percentage point. The AfD received 30% approval, while the CDU followed closely with 29%. In comparison to the January survey by MDR, the AfD lost five percentage points, and the CDU lost one point.

The coalition partners of the Christians, SPD and Greens, could count on unchanged support with 7% each. The new alliance Sahra Wagenknecht gained significantly in support. The BSW could calculate with 15% according to the survey from June 19.

In the question of a possible direct election, Minister-President Kretschmer was clearly ahead in the "Sachsentrend." 58% of the interviewees would vote for the incumbent. Only 17% would choose AfD candidate Jörg Urban.

In the context of the upcoming State elections in Saxony, the AfD is currently leading the CDU by a narrow margin, with 30% and 29% support respectively, according to a recent survey. This shift in public opinion might have contributed to the ongoing discussion about a potential "Wall" towards the AfD in German Politics, a topic that Saxony's Minister-President Michael Kretschmer has openly criticized. Kretschmer, a member of the CDU, emphasizes that the AfD, as a democratically elected party, should be engaged with, not isolated, despite his personal disagreements with the party's views and actions.

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