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Kretschmann calls for increased authority for Habeck.

Baden-Württemberg's minister president, Kretschmann, advocates for a well-defined leadership model in his party for the upcoming Bundestag elections, arguing that democracy demands strong leadership.

Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck (l.) and Winfried Kretschmann.
Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck (l.) and Winfried Kretschmann.

The Environment Political Party - Kretschmann calls for increased authority for Habeck.

Following the European election loss for the Greens, Baden-Württemberg's Minister President Winfried Kretschmann urges his party to adopt a new approach: greater flexibility in addressing climate issues and curbing irregular migration. Additionally, he insists on sole leadership for Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck.

Kretschmann expressed concerns about the Greens' inability to cater to public worries in "Table.Today" by Table Media, saying, "The question is: Will we now examine the situation objectively and without consideration for losses, or will we repeat the same mistakes we made in the previous federal election?"

Regarding environmental and climate policy, Kretschmann proposes that the Greens continue to pursue their objectives while remaining open-minded about the methods and means. Typically, the Greens favor a specific path to achieving goals, but they should not create policies that contradict the majority's opinions, he advised. Mentioning Habeck's Ministry's Heating Act as an example, Kretschmann said, "Politics should not be made against the majority of the population."

In terms of migration, Kretschmann advocate for more practicality. He believes irregular migration must be restricted. Serious criminals like the Mannheim stabber should be deported to Afghanistan. "Anyone who commits such crimes has forfeited their right to protection," he stated. "They must serve their sentence and then leave." Currently, the Greens have the opportunity to take a pragmatic stance on asylum policy.

To succeed in the federal election, Kretschmann advises his party to adopt a clear leadership structure. He is opposed to two leaders. When faced with challenging times, it's crucial to determine who is in charge. In his opinion, it's "the Vice Chancellor."

Read also:

  1. Despite the Greens' defeat in the European election, there's a call for a new approach in Baden-Württemberg, led by Winfried Kretschmann, who suggests more flexibility on climate issues and migration control.
  2. Following the European election loss, Kretschmann stresses the importance of objectively assessing the situation and avoiding repeating past mistakes, such as those made during the federal election.
  3. In response to concerns about the Greens' inability to cater to public worries, Kretschmann advocates for a more adaptable approach to climate policy, one that aligns with the majority's opinions rather than contradicting them.
  4. On migration, Kretschmann calls for a more practical stance, including the restriction of irregular migration and the deportation of serious criminals like the Mannheim stabber to their countries of origin.
  5. With the upcoming federal election in mind, Kretschmann urges the Greens to establish a clear leadership structure, arguing against the possibility of two leaders and the need for clear leadership during challenging times.
  6. As part of this new approach, Kretschmann insists on sole leadership for Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck, believing it's crucial to determine who is in charge during difficult times.
  7. In light of the forfeited right to protection for individuals who commit serious crimes, such as the Mannheim stabber, the Greens have an opportunity to take a pragmatic stance on asylum policy, as urged by Kretschmann and Germany's Minister President of Baden-Württemberg.



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