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A few weeks ago, a court ruling was issued against the far-right group 'Knockout51'. Now, investigators have put their circle under surveillance again.

The Bull's Eye tavern has often been in the police spotlight (archive image)
The Bull's Eye tavern has often been in the police spotlight (archive image)

Right-wing Group - Knockout51

The far-right group "Knockout51" is once again in the spotlight of the Police. Officers controlled dozens of people around the right-wing scene local "Bull's Eye" in Eisenach over the weekend, as the police reported. The local, where a far-right song evening had taken place, was temporarily classified as a "dangerous place".

The background were reports that "persons of the far-right scene around the group 'Knockout51' have been conducting relevant activities", according to the police. In recent times, there have been increasing numbers of far-right graffitis in the Eisenach city area with constitutional-damaging symbols and partly threatening contents.

"Knockout 51" is a coalition of predominantly young far-right extremists. They had at least since 2021 tried to establish themselves as a law enforcement body in Eisenach and create a "Nazi neighborhood". The Higher Regional Court Jena classified the group at the beginning of July as a criminal association and sentenced leading figures to prison sentences. The judgment is not yet legally binding, as the Federal Prosecutor General has filed a revision with the Federal Court of Justice.

The far-right activities of "Knockout51" also sparked concern in nearby Erfurt, leading to increased vigilance by local law enforcement.Over the past few weeks, several instances of criminality associated with the group have been reported in Thuringia, causing focus on the issue of extremism in the region.The officers' actions over the weekend in Eisenach are part of a larger operation to maintain public safety and prevent any potential escalation of the situation.Despite the court's decision, the ongoing presence and influence of "Knockout51" in Eisenach continue to be a source of concern and require the continued attention of the police.

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