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Knife attacker kills German tourist in Paris

"Allahu Akbar" call at the Eiffel Tower

Knife attack near the Eiffel Tower: France is on heightened terror alert due to the war in
Knife attack near the Eiffel Tower: France is on heightened terror alert due to the war in

Knife attacker kills German tourist in Paris

In a tourist area of Paris, an Islamist known to the police attacks passers-by with a knife and a hammer. A German dies and a woman is injured. The attacker is arrested near the Eiffel Tower.

One person has been killed and at least one other injured in a possibly Islamist-motivated knife attack in the French capital Paris. As the AFP news agency learned in the evening from police sources, the suspected attacker has been arrested. He is said to have shouted "Allahu Akbar" (God is great) during the attack. Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin praised the "courageous" intervention of the police in the short message service X. The man had attacked passers-by.

According to the BFM television station, the victims were a couple. According to the broadcaster, the dead man was a German born in the Philippines. The attacker did not injure his companion. According to the broadcaster, he then attacked two other tourists with a hammer. One woman was injured and another was in shock. Interior Minister Darmanin confirmed the information to BMFTV.

According to police sources, the alleged perpetrator is a Frenchman born in France with mental health problems who was known as a radical Islamist. He had stated that he could not bear to see Muslims killed in the world.

The attack took place in the 15th arrondissement; an AFP reporter saw barriers not far from the Eiffel Tower. The minister advised the population to avoid the area near the Quai de Grenelle. The French counter-terrorism prosecutor's office announced that it had not yet opened an investigation.

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The attack in Paris has raised concerns about a potential terror threat, given the suspect's history as a radical Islamist. The incident marks yet another instance of terror in France, a country that has been targeted by Islamist extremists in the past.


