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KKH: Diseases in Baden-Wuertemberg at Peak

Among the employed in Baden-Wuertenberg, there are more absences due to illness. This was revealed in an analysis by the KKH. However, the health status is the lowest in the state comparison.

The illness cases at work are at a peak in the Southwest.
The illness cases at work are at a peak in the Southwest.

Job appointments - KKH: Diseases in Baden-Wuertemberg at Peak

Diseases cases among employees in Baden-Württemberg have reached a peak for some of the insured members at KKH Mannheimer Riesen-Krankenkasse. According to KKH's analysis of their insured, there were 188 disease-related absences per 100 ergonomically active members in the first half of 2024. This means that almost every insured employee took sick twice.

According to KKH, this is significantly more cases than in the five-year comparison: In the first half of 2019, there were 108 disease-related absences per 100 members.

Which diseases are affecting the insured?

According to the analysis, 5.4% of KKH-insured employees were sick every day in the first half of 2024. In the previous year's period, it was also 5.4%. In the first half of 2019, the sickness rate for KKH-employees was 4.1%. KKH claims to be one of the largest health insurance companies in Germany.

In a country-by-country comparison, the sickness rate of KKH-insured individuals in Baden-Württemberg is the lowest. The highest sickness rate in the first half of 2024 was 8.1% in Sachsen-Anhalt, and the federal average is 6.5%.

Above all, respiratory diseases such as coughs, colds, or influenza-like infections have affected the KKH-insured nationwide. Respiratory infections accounted for a third of all disease cases from January to the end of June 2024.

Despite the peak in disease cases at Stuttgart's KKH, the sickness rate among their insured employees in Baden-Württemberg remains the lowest among all German regions. The Highest value of daily sickness rate was witnessed in 2024, with 5.4% of KKH-insured employees reporting ill each day. Interestingly, this is the same rate as the previous year, a stark contrast to the Failure to improve health among KKH employees in the five-year comparison, where the rate was 4.1% in 2019.

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