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Kipping started a new job at the Welfare Association

Katja Kipping was the chief of the Left Party and Social Senator in Berlin. Now another task is waiting for her. However, the topics remain the same.

Ex-CEO of Linken Katja Kipping started at the Welfare Association (archive photo)
Ex-CEO of Linken Katja Kipping started at the Welfare Association (archive photo)

Social Justice - Kipping started a new job at the Welfare Association

The former chairwoman of the Left Party, Katja Kipping, will become the managing director of the Parity General Association. The 46-year-old confirmed on platform X that she will join the management of the Welfare Association on September 1st and will take over the leadership of the Social Policy and Europe department. "After nearly a quarter century in political career, many things will be different for me in the future, but one thing remains the same: the unwavering commitment to social justice," wrote Kipping.

The face of the umbrella organization of over 10,000 charitable organizations has so far been Ulrich Schneider. The 65-year-old will leave the office as the main managing director on July 31st. His successor will be Joachim Rock, as the association announced at the end of April. Rock has so far been the head of the Social Policy and Europe department. The association is celebrating its 100-year anniversary this year.

Kipping held top positions in the Left Party for a long time. From 2012 to 2021, she was co-chair of the party with Bernd Riexinger. From 2005 to 2022, she was a Bundestag member. In Berlin, the native Dresden woman was the Senator for Social Affairs from 2021 to 2023 in the Senate of Franziska Giffey (SPD). She resigned after the preterm election in the capital and the subsequent change in government there.

  1. Katja Kipping's transition from politics to the Welfare Association signifies a continuation of her commitment to Social Justice, even in her new role as the managing director of the Parity General Association in Germany.
  2. The Overall Association, with over 10,000 charitable associations under its umbrella, will see a change in leadership as Joachim Rock takes over from Ulrich Schneider, who has been leading the Social Policy and Europe department.
  3. Kipping, having spent years advocating for social welfare in Berlin as the Senator for Social Affairs, will now contribute her expertise to the Social Policy and Europe department within the Welfare Association, following in the footsteps of her predecessor.
  4. Europe-wide associations, including the Welfare Association in Germany, have a crucial role to play in shaping the future of Social Justice, as demonstrated by the leadership changes in prominent organizations like the Overall Association.
  5. As Katja Kipping embarks on this new journey in her career, she reflects on her long-standing commitment to Social Justice, expressing her excitement to continue making a difference in the field of welfare and policy within the European context.

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