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King Charles commissions Starmer to form government

New British Prime Minister

With the King's blessing, Keir Starmer (l.) will lead the British government in future.
With the King's blessing, Keir Starmer (l.) will lead the British government in future.

King Charles commissions Starmer to form government

For the past four years, Keir Starmer has been the leader of the Labour Party and the opposition in Britain. The human rights lawyer has skillfully navigated the political debacle and secured a stunning election victory - he has now officially been appointed as the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

Keir Starmer is the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. King Charles III has commissioned the Social Democrats with forming the government. The 61-year-old Labour Party leader secured a significant victory in the parliamentary election and displaced the Conservative Party, which had ruled in Britain for the past 14 years.

Starmer succeeds former Premier Minister Rishi Sunak. He is a Jurist, worked as a human rights lawyer, and was the head of the Crown Prosecution Service. He has led the Labour Party for the past four years.

No Return to the EU

The new Prime Minister faces numerous challenges in the country, such as the overburdened National Health Service (NHS), housing issues, or the question of how the country should handle immigration. A major issue in the United Kingdom is also the rising cost of living.

Politically, he promises economic stability, a better healthcare system, and stronger border security. He intends to found a national company for energy supply and hire more teachers. He plans to abandon the previous government's plan to deport irregular migrants to Rwanda, regardless of their origin. A return of his country to the EU has been ruled out.

The formerly perceived dull politician, who now moves into 10 Downing Street, does not excite the British people any less. His overwhelming victory in the parliamentary election is seen more as a desire for change among the Britons than an approval of his political vision for the country.

In many policy areas, he remained vague. Therefore, it is eagerly anticipated what changes he will introduce and if he will convince the people of Britain of his vision.

Starmer took over the leadership of the Labour Party from the old-left Jeremy Corbyn, who was accused of not being decisive enough in dealing with antisemitism within his party. Starmer led the party back to the political center and took a firm stance against antisemitic tendencies. However, the war in Gaza continues to cause tensions within his party, which traditionally has a close relationship with the Palestinians.

In his campaign, Starmer often emphasized that his father was a toolmaker and his mother a nurse. Since his mother was seriously ill, Starmer took on responsibility in the family at an early age, as his biographer Tom Baldwin writes.

Starmer is a football fan and a supporter of the London Premier League team Arsenal. After his election victory, he also intends to continue playing football himself. He plans to keep Fridays free as much as possible for his wife Victoria and his two teenage children.

  1. Despite securing a victory against the Conservative Party, which had been in power in Great Britain for 14 years, Keir Starmer has ruled out any possibility of returning his country to the EU.
  2. In the realm of British politics, both the Labour Party, led by Keir Starmer, and the Conservative Party have significant roles to play, with the former recently displacing the latter following the latter's 14-year reign.
  3. As the new Prime Minister of Great Britain, Keir Starmer, a former human rights lawyer and leader of the Labour Party, is expected to tackle various challenges within the country, such as issues related to immigration, the rising cost of living, and the National Health Service (NHS).

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