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Kiev signals readiness to talk with Moscow

The Ukrainian foreign minister is in Beijing seeking a diplomatic solution. Zelensky publicly praises China. Moscow reacts with cautiousness to Kyiv's interest in talks.

Foreign Minister Kuleba seeks a diplomatic solution in China.
Foreign Minister Kuleba seeks a diplomatic solution in China.

Overview of the situation - Kiev signals readiness to talk with Moscow

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy expressed optimism during a trip of Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba to China regarding possible diplomatic progress between Ukraine and Russia. "There is a clear signal that China supports Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty," said Zelenskyy.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba is currently in Beijing to bring Ukrainian and Chinese positions closer for a diplomatic solution to Russia's attack on Ukraine. Kuleba also confirmed Ukraine's interest in talks with Moscow. So far, the Kremlin has reacted cautiously.

China is Russia's main ally. Beijing is therefore attributed a great influence on decisions in Moscow. Zelenskyy praised China for keeping the promise of State and Party Chief Xi Jinping not to supply weapons to Russia. He awaits Kuleba's return for more information.

Response to Negotiation Offer: Kremlin insists on war goals

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitri Peskov took the Ukrainian signaled readiness for peace skeptically. "Russia will fully implement its war goals, whether through military special operations or through negotiations - we have no alternative to achieving our goals and we will certainly achieve them," said Peskov.

Of course, the negotiation path should be preferred, but talks are made more difficult by the fact that Selenskyy, as President of Ukraine, has no legitimation, Peskov claimed once again. Kiev's attempts to advance a diplomatic solution through Beijing are seen as a sign of desperation by the Kremlin.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has named territorial concessions in Ukraine as war goals. Moscow therefore demands the withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from the regions of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia. Additionally, Moscow continues to demand a "de-Nazification of Ukraine," which in the Kremlin likely means the installation of a Russia-dependent regime in Kiev.

Kiev, in turn, has demanded the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukrainian territory. The latest initiatives from Foreign Minister Kuleba suggest possible compromise readiness from the Ukrainians. During his trip to China, Kuleba tried to coordinate a peace plan with the diplomatic solution offered by Beijing. He named direct talks with Moscow as his goal.

Kremlin sees disappointment in Kiev, Zelenskyy promises to strengthen the front

So far, the details of the offer are unclear, said Peskov regarding this. However, it is clear that the Ukrainian leadership is in difficulties. "Earlier or later - perhaps not as quickly as we hoped - the number of people will grow who look at the situation soberly."

Zelenskyy announced in his evening address only that Ukraine, in addition to diplomatic efforts, will also further strengthen the front. He spoke with Defense Minister Rustem Umerov about the further supply of combat units. Details he did not mention.

Incident at the Front: Ukrainian soldiers shoot at each other

First, the Ukrainian military weakened itself: During a shootout between Ukrainian soldiers in the frontline area of Charkiw, three men were killed and four were injured. The wounded were taken to the hospital, their condition was serious, the Battalion Chortyza reported on Telegram. The cause of the shootout was given as personal differences between the parties involved.

In the war, there are cases on both sides where soldiers of one faction attack each other. According to military experts, such incidents signify a low morale and discipline within the corresponding units.

Russian Defense Ministry changes Air Force chief

However, things are not going according to plan for Russia, as indicated by changes at the top of the Air Force leadership. The Russian Defense Ministry announced that Sergey Kobylasch will be the new Air Force chief. Kobylasch previously commanded the Russian long-range bomber fleet. The Ukraine accuses the Odessa native general of shelling cities and other civilian objects. Kobylasch's successor as commander of the long-range bombers will be General Sergey Kuwaldin. There is no information available about the further use of the previous Air Force chief, Sergey Dronov.

Speech by Zelensky (Ukr)

  1. During his trip to Beijing, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy praised China for not supplying weapons to Russia, as promised by State and Party Chief Xi Jinping.
  2. Dmitri Peskov, the Kremlin spokesperson, took Ukraine's signaled readiness for peace skeptically, stating that Russia will fully implement its war goals whether through military means or negotiations.
  3. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba is currently in Beijing to bring Ukrainian and Chinese positions closer for a diplomatic solution to the conflict between Ukraine and Russia.
  4. Russia's main ally, China, holds significant influence on decisions in Moscow, which Zelenskyy acknowledged in his praise for China's support for Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty.
  5. Beijing is seen as a potential mediator in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba trying to coordinate a peace plan with the diplomatic solution offered by Beijing.
  6. The Kremlin has reacted cautiously to Ukraine's interest in talks with Moscow, with Moscow continuing to demand territorial concessions in Ukraine and a de-Nazification of the country.

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