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Kiev reminds of Boeing-launch

In Kiev, President Zelensky reminds of the Boeing shootdown over Eastern Ukraine a decade ago. Meanwhile, Russia's top diplomat Lavrov reasserts Moscow's claim to that very territory.

Volodymyr Zelensky reminded of the shooting down of a passenger plane by pro-Russian separatists...
Volodymyr Zelensky reminded of the shooting down of a passenger plane by pro-Russian separatists exactly ten years ago (archive image)

The situation in overview - Kiev reminds of Boeing-launch

Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov sharply criticizes Western plans for another peace conference on Ukraine. There are points that are unacceptable for his country, Lavrov said on the sidelines of the UN Security Council meeting in New York. "There has been a course to forcefully impose the so-called Zelenskyy plan, which has the clear form of an ultimatum," Lavrov stated.

Zelenskyy made the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine a condition for peace. However, Lavrov reiterated the demand for Moscow to seize more Ukrainian territories.

Lavrow: "not all territories liberated"

"There are still not all territories liberated. We cannot leave the people who have voted for a return to Russia under the regime that is eliminating everything Russian there," Lavrov said. The claim to protect the Russian-speaking population in Ukraine was used by Vladimir Putin over two years ago as a pretext for the beginning of his aggression against the neighboring country.

Boeing Crash Anniversary: Remembering the Victims

Zelenskyy meanwhile recalled the crash of the Boeing 777 of Malaysia Airlines over the Donbass region - responsible for it were pro-Russian rebels. "I have no doubts that the trial and the work of international justice in general will lead to absolutely just sentences for all those responsible for this tragedy," Selenskyy said in his video statement. This punishment is also necessary, just as it is for all other crimes that Russia committed in the war.

The Boeing 777 of Malaysia Airlines was shot down over contested territory with a Russian surface-to-air missile on July 17, 2014. All 298 people on board were killed. According to international investigations, the Buk missile system, of the type from a Russian military base, was taken across the border into eastern Ukraine and returned there after the shootdown. It was still the early phase of the fighting, which eventually led to Russia's invasion of neighboring Ukraine in 2022.

Two Russians and an Ukrainian were sentenced in absentia by a Dutch court in 2022 for murder in 298 cases. Russia denies responsibility and also refuses to extradite the men.

Lavrov praises Vance

Lavrov, however, praised the US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's potential vice president J.D. Vance. The US Senator from Ohio speaks for peace and for the cessation of military aid for Ukraine, Lavrov said, according to the Russian news agency Tass in New York. "We can only welcome this because it's exactly what's needed - and that is to stop arming Ukraine." Lavrov added: "The war will be over. We will begin to look for solutions."

Media: Heavy Losses at Dnipro Bridgehead

Ukraine reportedly suffered heavy losses at a bridgehead on the Dnipro River in the southeast of the country, according to media reports. A total of more than 1000 soldiers on the Ukrainian side are reportedly missing or dead. So, 788 soldiers deployed there are listed as missing, reported the Internet portal "Slidstvo.Info" citing police sources. 262 soldiers were found dead in the same period. Only recently had media reported that Ukraine had given up the bridgehead.

Krynki is a small settlement on the South bank of the Dnipro River in the Cherson region, Ukraine. The battles for the settlement were criticized from the start due to its futility.

Installments to be paid out: Ukraine to receive first billion-euro EU installment

The Ukraine is expected to receive the first regular installment from the new billion-euro EU aid program in the near future. The country has fulfilled the conditions for this, according to the EU commission responsible for the evaluation. Nearly 4.2 billion Euros could be paid out.

The new EU aid program provides financial aid totaling 50 billion Euros over a period of four years; mostly in loans. The EU aims to enable the Ukrainian state to continue paying salaries and pensions with these financial aids. In addition, the operation of hospitals, schools, and shelters for displaced people is to be guaranteed. The money can also be used to restore infrastructure damaged by the Russian attack war.

What is important today

The trial against the US journalist Evan Gershkovich in Yekaterinburg is continuing. Russia accuses the Wall Street Journal correspondent of spying for a Russian arms company. In case of a guilty verdict, Gershkovich faces up to 20 years in prison.

  1. Sergey Lavrov, Russia's Foreign Minister, voiced strong objections to the Western proposal for another peace conference on Ukraine, stating that certain aspects are non-negotiable for his country.
  2. Lavrov referred to an attempt to forcefully implement the Zelenskyy plan, which he described as an ultimatum.
  3. Zelenskyy made the departure of Russian troops from Ukrainian soil a prerequisite for peace, but Lavrov reiterated Moscow's demand for control over additional Ukrainian territories.
  4. Lavrov argued that not all territories have been fully liberated, and the people residing there who voted for reunification with Russia are being suppressed under the current regime.
  5. Zelenskyy commemorated the anniversary of the Boeing 777 crash over the Donbass region, attributing responsibility to pro-Russian rebels and expressing confidence in the international justice system delivering fair sentences to those involved.
  6. Russia denies any involvement in the Boeing 777 incident and rejects extradition requests for the individuals charged with murder.
  7. Lavrov praised the peace advocacy of J.D. Vance, Donald Trump's potential vice president, and praised the idea of halting military aid to Ukraine.
  8. Ukraine reported substantial losses at the Dnipro River bridgehead, with over 1000 soldiers reported missing or killed according to media reports.
  9. The European Union is set to transfer the first billion-euro installment from its new aid program to Ukraine, following their successful compliance with the program's conditions.

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