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Kiev calls for the use of long-range weapons

Droplets ofWater force the stone: Once again, Ukraine asks the US for permission to use far-reaching weapons against targets in Russia itself. Will Washington comply?

These rockets would happily be used against Russian targets in Kiev (archive photo)
These rockets would happily be used against Russian targets in Kiev (archive photo)

Overview of the situation - Kiev calls for the use of long-range weapons

In the face of regular Russian rocket and air attacks, Ukraine seeks to eliminate the source of evil - military airfields and missile launch ramps on Russian territory, deep into the heart of the country. The list of potential targets is already long, and the desire for retaliation is great. However, the authorization from the USA to use the long-range weapons systems they have provided is missing. Ihor Schowka, the deputy head of the Presidential Chancellery of Volodymyr Zelensky, stated this in an interview with "Voice of America." Nevertheless, Ukraine continues to work with the USA on this issue and hopes for a quick change of heart.

"Everyone knows where the danger lies, where the rockets (against Ukraine) are launched from." Schowka expressed himself optimistically: "All important decisions that the USA have made in the past were made very quietly - and that will also be the case this time."

Ukraine has been demanding authorization from the USA and other Western partners to use the long-range weapons, such as rockets or cruise missiles, against targets on Russian territory for some time. So far, Ukrainian military personnel have only been able to use drones with significantly less explosive power. These have achieved successes at fuel depots or refineries, but against airfields or missile launch bases, unmanned aerial vehicles have shown little effect.

Western weapons can only be used against targets in the occupied territories of Ukraine, including the Crimea, and in the east of the country in the immediate border area.

The USA is aware of this problem, Schowka emphasized. Therefore, he also expects a quick approval from the USA, "as it has also been the case with other issues we have discussed with the US government."

Explosions in Odessa - Russia reports drone attacks

According to media reports, there were intense explosions near the Ukrainian seaport of Odessa at night. The governor of the military administration of the region, Oleh Kiper, called on the residents of the city and the Odessa region via Telegram to take shelter until the fire was extinguished. Previously, the Ukrainian Air Force had reported a threat of ballistic missile attacks from the south. Information on possible damages or casualties was initially not available.

The Russian air defense reportedly intercepted six drones over the Brjansk region and destroyed them. The region southwest of Moscow borders Ukraine. In the Lipezk region south of Moscow, a drone attack was also reported. A drone is said to have crashed on the grounds of an electrical substation. The governor reported no injuries and no disruption of the substation's work. The information could not be verified independently at first.

New 3-tonne glide bombs against targets in Ukraine

The Russian air force has reportedly been using new type glide bombs against targets in Ukraine as of late, according to information from Ukrainian military sources. So, bombs with a weight of three tons and small wings and corresponding electronics have been equipped to be dropped from aircraft from a great distance and then guided to the target.

Andrij Yermak, leader of the Presidential Office in Kiev, was quoted by the Ukrainian news agency UNIAN saying, "They use Su-34 fighter jets, which take off from airfields we need to destroy in order to protect our people." However, there is still no permission to use Western weapons, he complained. "Only such permission can save many lives."

A Russian combat pilot spoke with the Tass state agency about the accuracy of the armed, allegedly outdated bombs. The maximum deviation is ten meters, claimed the unnamed pilot. Moreover, these bombs cannot be stopped in their approach by any air defense, "neither with Patriots nor with Cheetahs."

Merz: Germany should also support Ukraine with fighter jets

CDU leader Friedrich Merz called for stronger support for Ukraine in defending against the Russian offensive war - and for the delivery of fighter jets.

Merz said in the ARD format "Ask Yourself": "It seems plausible to me to help Ukraine, at least to regain control of its own airspace. These rocket attacks, which are now taking place in ever greater numbers against infrastructure, against power and water supply, against hospitals, nursing homes, cannot be kept under control from the ground alone. And that's why the delivery of fighter jets to Ukraine is already a done deal in many countries around the world, including in Europe. We as Germans should not hold back."

Some NATO countries want to speed up the equipping of Ukraine with Western fighter jets. The transfer of F-16 jets is already in progress, the USA, the Netherlands, and Denmark announced in a joint statement at the NATO summit in Washington last week. These planes could be used for defense against the Russian offensive war as early as this summer. The delivery involves F-16 jets from American production, provided by Denmark and the Netherlands.

  1. Despite the long list of potential targets in Russia, Ukraine is still awaiting authorization from the United States to utilize the long-range weapons they've received.
  2. Ihor Schowka, the deputy head of Volodymyr Zelensky's Presidential Chancellery, mentioned in an interview with "Voice of America" that the authorization is currently missing.
  3. Schowka believes that the United States has historically made crucial decisions quietly and anticipates a similar approach this time.
  4. Ukraine has been requesting authorization to use long-range weapons, such as rockets or cruise missiles, against targets on Russian territory for some time now.
  5. So far, Ukrainian military personnel can only use drones with lesser explosive power, which have had some success at fuel depots or refineries but little effect against airfields or missile launch bases.
  6. The USA is only permitting the use of their weapons against targets in the occupied territories of Ukraine, including Crimea and nearby Eastern regions.
  7. Oleh Kiper, the governor of the military administration in Odessa, urged residents to seek shelter after reported drone attacks near the city's seaport.
  8. A Russian air defense reportedly intercepted six drones over the Brjansk region and destroyed them, while a drone attack was also reported in the Lipezk region south of Moscow.
  9. CDU leader Friedrich Merz urged Germany to support Ukraine with fighter jets, stating that they should not hold back in helping Ukraine regain control of its airspace.

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