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Kiesewetter: "Prepare mentally and materially for war"

Attacks on the West?

Should Russia attack a NATO member, the Alliance case could trigger a united military response
Should Russia attack a NATO member, the Alliance case could trigger a united military response - Bundeswehr Eurofighter during the "Air Defender 2023" military

Kiesewetter: "Prepare mentally and materially for war"

CDU politician Roderich Kiesewetter believes that NATO member states are already facing hybrid attacks from countries such as Russia and China. According to the foreign affairs expert, the West must prepare itself mentally and materially for war. At the same time, he is in favor of going "all in" with aid to Ukraine.

CDU foreign policy expert Roderich Kiesewetter addressed urgent words to the Western states at the start of the NATO foreign ministers' meeting. "All in all, NATO needs an overall strategy in the systemic war," Kiesewetter told the Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND). "The West must prepare itself mentally and materially for war: Establish a kind of 'war economy', i.e. boost the arms industry and secure it financially in terms of planning and change political communication towards the population," said the CDU politician.

In this context, the 60-year-old referred to hybrid warfare, which is said to already exist: "It must be clear to everyone that we are already under hybrid attack and that, in addition to Israel, further military and hybrid attacks by the CRINK Alliance - i.e. China, Russia, Iran and North Korea - are imminent: by Russia in Finland, by North Korea against South Korea, in the Western Balkans by Serbia, in the Middle East by Iran, in Taiwan by China."

Hybrid warfare includes cyberattacks and propaganda in the media and social networks in order to destabilize democracy. Causing crises is also repeatedly mentioned. For example, according to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), Russia is using a well-known tactic of hybrid warfare to artificially create a migrant crisis at the Finnish border. Asylum seekers are said to have been deliberately brought there recently. Finland has now closed all border crossings for the movement of people as a result.

Kiesewetter: "All in" for Ukraine

Speaking to RND, Kiesewetter spoke out in favor of a significant expansion of aid for Ukraine and an invitation for Ukraine to join NATO next year: "When it comes to military support, we must finally go 'all in': more air defense, more drones, more ammunition, more precision missiles, expanding sanctions, closing loopholes, a concrete invitation for the NATO summit in 2024."

At next year's summit in Washington, Ukraine must receive a commitment to be invited to NATO as soon as security conditions allow. "Ukraine's future NATO membership is essential for our security and is non-negotiable."


