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Kamala Harris travels to UN climate conference in Biden's place

Over the next two weeks, tens of thousands of representatives from around 200 countries will be meeting in Dubai to discuss the fate of the planet - without the most powerful man in the world.

Representing Joe Biden at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai: Kamala Harris,
Representing Joe Biden at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai: Kamala Harris, Vice President of the

Kamala Harris travels to UN climate conference in Biden's place

US President Joe Biden will be replaced by his Vice President Kamala Harris at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai. This was announced by the White House in Washington on Wednesday. Harris will fly to the Gulf emirate from Friday to Saturday to take part in the meeting. Dozens of other high-ranking representatives of the US government from various departments and agencies, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Climate Envoy John Kerry, will also be there.

The US newspaper "New York Times" had already reported a few days ago, citing government circles, that Biden was skipping the climate conference. According to the report, senior White House officials indicated that the Gaza war was keeping Biden very busy.

At the World Climate Conference, around 200 countries will spend two weeks discussing how to curb the climate crisis. Around 70,000 participants are expected to attend, making it the largest climate conference ever. The biggest point of contention is whether it will be possible to reach unanimous agreement on phasing out coal, oil and gas.


