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Kamala Harris or Donald Trump: Who would the Germans vote for?

In the U.S., Kamala Harris has started a comeback in the polls. Meanwhile, in Germany, she has already won many hearts. Only a majority of supporters of one party would vote for Donald Trump.

Kamala Harris trails Donald Trump in most U.S. presidential election polls, but has gained ground...
Kamala Harris trails Donald Trump in most U.S. presidential election polls, but has gained ground in recent days.

- Kamala Harris or Donald Trump: Who would the Germans vote for?

It's a hypothetical question, but an interesting one. If Germans could vote in the U.S. presidential election in November, who would they choose? The vote would be clear: 79 percent would choose Kamala Harris from the Democrats, according to a Forsa poll for Stern. Only 13 percent would vote for Donald Trump from the Republicans. 8 percent expressed no opinion. According to Forsa, Harris enjoys similar sympathy ratings among Germans as former U.S. presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, who were very popular here.

Differences are seen between the sexes: Women would vote 82 percent for the current vice president and 8 percent for the former president. Men would vote 75 percent for Harris and 18 percent for Trump.

When analyzed by party preference, a broad coalition emerges: The majority of voters for the Greens (99 percent), SPD (92 percent), CDU/CSU (89 percent), FDP (85 percent), and the Alliance for Progress (52 percent) would vote for Harris. Only AfD supporters vote against this trend: Only 26 percent say they would vote for Harris; 51 percent would vote for Trump.

The mood in the U.S. is very different from here. In national polls, Trump is still ahead, but Harris has significantly narrowed the gap in recent days. It is expected that the Democrats will officially nominate the vice president virtually in the coming days. The actual party convention is scheduled for August 19-22 in Chicago.

Data was collected by the market and opinion research institute Forsa for Stern and RTL Germany on July 25 and 26 via telephone. Sample size: 1002 respondents. The survey is representative. Statistical error tolerance: +/- 3 percentage points

Forsa, the institute responsible for the poll, also found that Kamala Harris enjoys high sympathy ratings among Germans similar to former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. With the Greens, SPD, CDU/CSU, FDP, and the Alliance for Progress, a overwhelming majority of their supporters would vote for Harris in a hypothetical U.S. presidential election, contrasting the views of AfD supporters who favor Trump more.

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