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Kamala Harris is ready for TV duel with Trump

Kamala Harris will be officially nominated as the Democratic Presidential candidate next. She has already expressed her readiness for a TV debate with Donald Trump.

Kamala Harris
Kamala Harris

US campaign - Kamala Harris is ready for TV duel with Trump

Democratic US Presidential candidate Kamala Harris has expressed her readiness to participate in a televised debate with Republican candidate Donald Trump. "I'm ready. Let's go", the 59-year-old wrote on the online platform X. Voters deserve to see both candidates on the stage. Harris, who is currently the US Vice President, needs to be nominated by her party as the candidate. She already enjoys great support among Democrats.

The date is not set

On Sunday, incumbent Joe Biden announced that he would no longer participate in the US Presidential election on November 5. His disastrous performance at the first TV debate against Trump significantly increased the intraparty pressure to withdraw from the race.

Originally, Trump and Biden had agreed to a televised debate on September 10. However, Trump reportedly backed out of this date, Harris wrote. No other date has been agreed upon yet.

Despite Biden's decision to postpone the election until a later date due to his poor performance in the debate, Harris still expects to debate Trump, expressing, "I look forward to debating both Trump and Biden when a new date is set." Furthermore, the growing support for Harris within the Democratic party could potentially impact the dynamics of the US election campaign, featuring Trump, Biden, and Harris.

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