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Justice investigates Carla Bruni over Libya affair

France's former President Sarkozy is involved in a number of legal proceedings. His wife Carla Bruni is now also under investigation in the affair surrounding alleged election campaign funds from Libya.

Did Carla Bruni want to help her husband out of a jam? (archive picture)
Did Carla Bruni want to help her husband out of a jam? (archive picture)

Suspicion of witness bribery - Justice investigates Carla Bruni over Libya affair

In the affair regarding alleged campaign funds from Libya for France's former President Nicolas Sarkozy, the French justice system has initiated an investigation against his wife Carla Bruni. The singer and former First Lady of France was also placed under judicial supervision, according to French media, in reference to the justice system.

As previously announced by the Financial Public Prosecutor's Office, the investigations against the 56-year-old woman concern a possible witness tampering.

The Libya affair revolves around indications that illegal funds from the regime of the then Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi were allegedly used for Sarkozy's presidential campaign in 2007. The French-Lebanese businessman Ziad Takieddine claimed in 2016 that he had brought several suitcases filled with millions of euros from the Libyan regime to the Paris Interior Ministry in late 2006 or early 2007, which was then led by Sarkozy. Initially, Takieddine was considered the main witness. In an interview, he later stated that Sarkozy had not received any Libyan money for the campaign. However, Takieddine later retracted his statement, claiming it had been falsified.

Was the main witness bribed?

Against this background, the French justice system initiated another investigation into the Libya affair in 2021, which aims to clarify whether the main witness was bribed to change his statement. The justice system suspects that Takieddine was offered money from Sarkozy's entourage. Bruni's role, according to the justice system's assumption, could have been to bring the involved parties into contact with each other. The now initiated investigation could potentially lead to a trial, if the investigators see sufficient evidence against Bruni. Otherwise, they may discontinue the proceedings.

The conservative politician Sarkozy, who served as French president from 2007 to 2012, has been engaged in a battle with the justice system for years due to various allegations.

  1. Carla Bruni, the Head of state's wife at the time, who is also a renowned singer from France, is under investigation by the French justice system for her involvement in the Libya affair regarding alleged campaign funds for former President Nicolas Sarkozy.
  2. The French-Lebanese businessman Ziad Takieddine previously claimed to have brought suitcases filled with millions of euros from the Libyan regime to the Paris Interior Ministry in late 2006 or early 2007, during Sarkozy's tenure as the Ministry's head.
  3. Bruni's role in the ongoing investigation, according to the French justice system, is suspected to involve facilitating contacts between the involved parties in the Libya affair, despite initially being considered a potential witness.
  4. The justice system has initiated another investigation in 2021, aimed at determining if the main witness, Takieddine, was potentially bribed to alter his initial statement about the use of illegal Libyan funds in Sarkozy's election campaign in 2007.
  5. If sufficient evidence is found against Bruni in the Libya affair investigation, she may face a trial; otherwise, the proceedings may be discontinued.

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