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Jürgen Trittin to leave Bundestag at the end of the year

Active in parliament for 25 years

A quarter of a century in the German Bundestag is enough for Green politician
A quarter of a century in the German Bundestag is enough for Green politician

Jürgen Trittin to leave Bundestag at the end of the year

He is one of the Green Party's defining figures in federal politics: Jürgen Trittin. At the end of the year, he will resign his seat in the German Bundestag. The feisty politician is taking it easy in his retirement.

The Green politician Jürgen Trittin is resigning from his seat in the Bundestag at the end of the year. "Now, in the middle of the legislative period, is the right time to leave in a self-determined manner," Trittin told Der Spiegel.

He had already decided at the last Bundestag election that this would be his last candidacy. "Last summer, I then realized that I would be a member of the Bundestag for 25 years in the autumn. 25 - that's a nice anniversary to say goodbye to," said Trittin. "I'll be giving up my seat in the Bundestag at the beginning of January," the 69-year-old announced. That afternoon, he announced his decision to the Green parliamentary group in the Bundestag.

The man from Lower Saxony was active for the Greens at local, state and federal level for around 40 years. In 1998, Trittin entered the Bundestag and became Federal Environment Minister in the red-green coalition. As a leading figure on the left of the party, he played a key role in shaping the course of the Greens.

Trittin had repeatedly caused internal debates by criticizing his party. On his departure, however, he was mild. "This party, this parliamentary group has enabled me to become everything you can become as a Green," Trittin told Der Spiegel. He emphasized: "I am leaving in peace and gratitude."

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