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June brought a wet start and a sunny end

June brought the sunniest days of the year so far. But lightning, hail and storms were also part of the weather repertoire.

Lightning can be seen in the sky above Pförring in Bavaria.
Lightning can be seen in the sky above Pförring in Bavaria.

Meteorology - June brought a wet start and a sunny end

Heat, sheep's wool coats, floods, heavy rainfall: June experienced all possible weather conditions this year. "Temperatures fluctuated between autumnal coolness and summer heat," the German Weather Service reported based on initial evaluations of approximately 2000 measuring stations in Offenbach on a Friday. Heavy rainfall led to flooding, and towards the end there were the sunniest days of the year. "The weather in June showed a dynamism and changeability that reminded us of an exciting football match."

Large Temperature Swings

According to meteorologists, June was the 15th warmest on record. The temperature average was 16.8 degrees. For comparison: In the reference period 1961 to 1990, the average was 15.4 degrees. The minimum temperature was measured at 1.4 degrees and the maximum at 34 degrees at the measuring stations. There were also periods of sheep's wool coats as well as high summer heat.

Unwetter and Floods

However, the precipitation amount was 107% higher than in the comparison period. On average, 91 liters per square meter fell, compared to 85 liters in the period. "It was rainy and with heavy showers in parts of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria in the month," wrote the DWD. On the 3rd of June, 137 liters per square meter were measured in Raubling-Pfaundorf, Upper Bavaria. The highest monthly precipitation amounts were also recorded at the Alpine foothills: more than 250 liters fell there. In northern Brandenburg, it was significantly drier with less than 20 liters per square meter.

Sunshine Hours

The most sunshine hours were recorded by the DWD in some places in the northeast and east with over 250 sunshine hours. In the Black Forest and at the Alps, the lowest values were reached with 100 sunshine hours. Compared to the reference period 1961 to 1990, there was an overall increase from 203 to 210 sunshine hours.

  1. The heavy rainfall reported by the DWD (Deutscher Wetterdienst) led to flooding in certain regions, contributing to the dynamic and changeable weather situation during June.
  2. Despite the 15th warmest June on record with large temperature swings, the sheep in offenbach might have felt the cold due to the heavy precipitation that led to wet conditions.
  3. In the midst of this meteorological anomaly, Offenbach experienced a weather situation similar to an exciting football match, with both heavy rainfall and flooding, followed by sunny days.
  4. The precipitation in Germany during June was 107% higher than the average, resulting in 91 liters per square meter falling, with some areas in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria experiencing heavy showers.
  5. The DWD (Deutscher Wetterdienst) reported that the Alpine foothills had the highest monthly precipitation amounts, surpassing 250 liters, while northern Brandenburg had significantly less.

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