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Judge files proceedings against Trump over documents

Legal blow for Donald Trump before the start of the Republican Party convention: The criminal proceedings against him in the documents affair should end. However, the final word has not been spoken.

The former US-President Donald Trump has once again achieved a legal success.
The former US-President Donald Trump has once again achieved a legal success.

US-Justice - Judge files proceedings against Trump over documents

In the case regarding the taking of classified government documents, the responsible judge, Judge Aileen Cannon, in Miami, Florida, has halted the criminal proceedings against the former US President Donald Trump. She announced this decision and explained it with doubts about the lawful appointment of the special prosecutor in the case. Special prosecutor Jack Smith can file an appeal against the decision.

Trump was indicted in the documents case on a federal level last year. He is accused in this case of unlawfully possessing highly sensitive information from his time as President (2017-2021).

Search Warrant at Trump's house two years ago

In August 2022, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) searched Trump's villa in Florida and seized several documents marked as top secret. Trump is also accused of a conspiracy to obstruct investigations: He allegedly attempted to hide material from surveillance cameras and move boxes with documents out of the premises.

Trump pleaded not guilty during the presentation of the indictment in Miami last year. His lawyers tried to halt the proceedings with various motions.

The judge in the documents case, Cannon, was once appointed by Trump. Critics accused her in the past few months of delaying the proceedings and processing motions too slowly.

Legal back-and-forth

A few weeks ago, Trump managed to win a case at the Supreme Court. The United States Supreme Court ruled that Trump enjoys broad immunity for actions taken in the Presidential office, which does not directly relate to the halting of the proceedings in Miami, but possibly indirectly.

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas wrote in a statement regarding the immunity ruling that the special prosecutor Smith was not lawfully appointed and therefore had no authority to indict Trump. However, no immediate legal consequences emerged from Thomas' statement in the text of the ruling.

Trump's team had already raised this argument, which is widely dismissed by legal experts, in the indictment against Trump in Florida. Thomas' statement is therefore considered highly unusual and was seen by many as a sign in the direction of Florida.

  1. Despite the halt in criminal proceedings by Judge Aileen Cannon, special prosecutor Jack Smith has the option to file an appeal against her decision.
  2. The ongoing case pertains to the accusation of Donald Trump's unlawful possession of highly sensitive government documents from his time as US President (2017-2021).
  3. Two years ago, the FBI conducted a house search at Trump's villa in Florida, seizing several classified documents marked as top secret.
  4. Trump's legal team attempted to halt the proceedings with various motions during the presentation of the indictment in Miami last year.
  5. Critics accused Judge Cannon of delaying the proceedings and processing motions too slowly in the past few months, raising questions about her impartiality.
  6. In a case at the Supreme Court, Trump was granted broad immunity for actions taken in the Presidential office, which could indirectly impact the Miami proceedings.
  7. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, who was once appointed by Trump, questioned the lawful appointment of special prosecutor Jack Smith, suggesting he had no authority to indict Trump.
  8. The government document outlining the proceedings for the imposition of penalty against Trump is another crucial aspect of the US-Justice saga.
  9. The Federal Police and legal experts in Miami are closely monitoring the developments in the case, as proceedings resume following the Supreme Court ruling.
  10. With the US Election 2024 drawing closer, political tensions surrounding the Trump case remain high, as Republicans and Democrats continue to take opposing viewpoints on the matter.

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