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Jogger finds abandoned puppies in park

Their whimpering draws the attention of a man to the young animals. They are taken to a clinic. The police are now investigating a violation of the Animal Welfare Act.

Nine puppies have been abandoned in a park in Vellmar in northern Hesse. (symbol optics)
Nine puppies have been abandoned in a park in Vellmar in northern Hesse. (symbol optics)

Animal welfare - Jogger finds abandoned puppies in park

In a park in northern Hessian Vellmar, nine puppies have been abandoned. A jogger discovered the whimpering animals on the grass in the night, wrapped them in his T-shirt for warmth, and took them to the nearest police station, the Kassel police announced. Officers drove the puppies, estimated to be only a few days old and unable to open their eyes, to a veterinary clinic in a patrol car. The person who had abandoned the puppies in the Ahnepark was initially unknown. The police are investigating due to a violation of animal protection law and hope for witnesses' tips.

  1. The jogger, finding the abandoned puppies in the Ahnepark, decided to report the incident to the North Hessian police in Vellmar.
  2. Despite being based in Kassel, the responsible police department took swift action, working closely with animal welfare organizations in Hesse.
  3. While the abandoned puppies received care at the veterinary clinic, the police were seeking information about the owners or anyone with knowledge about the animals' previous whereabouts.
  4. In an effort to protect the welfare of dogs and other animals, strict penalties are enforced by the authorities in North Hessa for neglecting pet care and animal rights.

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