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"Joe Biden limits asylum to those with 'credible fear' - partially closes borders"

Biden Introduces New Asylum Rule without Congress Approval: Exceeding 2,500 Migrants Daily Requires Fear of Persecution Proof The modification in asylum law is not solely due to election campaigning.

A handful of thousands who want to enter the USA from the south every day
A handful of thousands who want to enter the USA from the south every day

Presidential command - "Joe Biden limits asylum to those with 'credible fear' - partially closes borders"

When Joe Biden assumed office following his election, he assigned Jamaica Harris, his deputy and potential successor, to handle immigration and the southern border situation. For the United States' vice presidents, this was both an opportunity and a challenge because few issues spur American emotions as much as unlawful immigration. Any less than stunning triumph would be considered an intolerable failure. However, Joe Biden has now triggered the emergency brake.

Joe Biden Significantly Tightens Asylum Laws

By executive mandate, not requiring the approval of the US Congress, President Biden has significantly tightened asylum regulations. The updated rules now permit officials to deport individuals who enter irregularly without processing their asylum applications in specific cases. There are some exemptions, but they are uncommon. "I'm carrying out what Republican Congress members won't do: I'm taking the appropriate steps to safeguard our border," Biden declared, who has stated he intends to run for re-election as president in November.

The new rule goes into effect when the average number of illegal border crossings from Mexico weekly exceeds 2,500 per day. It will be lifted when this tally decreases below 1,500. According to US media, more than 4,000 individuals enter illegally daily, and since the start of the fiscal year in October, there have been roughly 1.5 million "irregular encounters" at the southern border - a term for instances where individuals, mostly from Central and South America, are arrested or expelled.

During Biden's term, two years running witnessed about 2.4 million unlawful border crossings recorded. Thousands of individuals travel to America daily, primarily from Central and South America, escaping poverty and conflicts in their native nations. In December alone, the United States Border Patrol reported over 300,000 detentions - the most ever in a single month.

Asylum Seekers Must Prove "Credible Fear"

It is still necessary for asylum candidates to demonstrate "credible fear" of persecution or torment back home. Nevertheless, they will only receive protection under different circumstances than other asylum seekers. If one applies for asylum conventionally, for instance, by requesting a meeting through an app from outside the United States, they should have a reasonable chance, according to the administration.

But several questions regarding the practicality of these measures persist. For instance, the USA depends on Mexico for deportations. The journey through its southern neighbor is a popular choice for many individuals and was categorized as the deadliest migration route globally by the International Organization for Migration of the United Nations. Hundreds perish every year due to dehydration, heatstroke, and other dangers on the strenuous and hazardous trip to the north. The genuine number is likely far higher.

The criticism of the harsh decree swiftly followed from all sides:

  • Democratic Representative Pramila Jayapal deemed it a "dangerous step in the wrong direction." The right to seek asylum is enshrined in US laws and the international obligations of the nation.
  • The United Nations Refugee Agency UNHCR cautioned the US to reconsider the new regulations, which erode the right to asylum.
  • The Republican Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, referred to the decree as a "political ruse" in an election year. It does not supply new resources for border security nor deportations of those already in the US unlawfully.

Conservative presidential candidate Donald Trump can benefit from forceful anti-illegal immigration stances among many Americans. Recently, he pledged to conduct mass deportations if re-elected. To achieve this, he intends to utilize the National Guard; however, the use of the military against civilians on US territory is forbidden. Yet, Trump disregards this, categorizing those who have unlawfully entered the country as "not civilians" but an "invasion."

Thus far, Americans trust Trump more than anyone else when it comes to combating illegal immigration, according to surveys. Now, even Joe Biden is adopting a hardline position. Strikingly, there has been no announcement from Kamala Harris for some time.

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