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Joe Biden is a total failure

"Meltdown" of a president

Biden's age is likely to become a key election issue.
Biden's age is likely to become a key election issue.

Joe Biden is a total failure

The debate with Donald Trump was a disaster for Joe Biden. The president dismantled himself and became the clown. He has little chance of remaining US-President.

Joe Biden would like to remain US-President. His problem: After the disastrous performance at the debate against Donald Trump, more of his fellow citizens may be convinced that this is not a good idea.

It's painful to see Biden in this debate. The 81-year-old disintegrates there - erratic, muddled, with a voice that is not always clear. It doesn't help that his people try to make the disastrous performance look pretty with a cold. The "New York Times" puts it succinctly: "Meltdown during primetime."

In comparison to Biden, Trump, who is 78 years old, appears completely fit. He lied, yelled, insulted - but his message was clear in its harshness. With Biden, it was not the case. While Trump pulled off a winning move, the President stood at the podium with an open mouth. When Biden spoke, he stammered.

Trump achieved a significant impact within a few minutes. "I really don't know what he said at the end of the sentence," Trump jeered as Biden answered a question about border security. "I think he didn't know it himself."

Doubts have grown

Biden wanted to achieve a goal with the debate. He wanted to dispel doubts about whether he is physically and mentally capable of being US-President for another four years. However, he achieved the opposite. Doubts have grown.

Before the debate, there were already doubts in the Trump camp about Biden using performance-enhancing drugs to get through the debate. Comedian Jon Stewart joked in the Trump camp that Biden had proven with his performance that this theory was complete nonsense.

Biden's popularity ratings were already in the cellar before the debate in many polls. He is behind Trump in many surveys. If Biden wants Trump not to be the next US-President, if he wants, as he said, to save the soul of America, if he wants to protect the democracy of the USA, then this is the best way: He must renounce his candidacy and leave it to someone who has better chances of defeating Trump. In doing so, Biden would not only be doing himself a great service, but also his country.

In light of his performance during the US presidential debate in 2024, Donald Trump's supporters may view Biden's continuation as president as less appealing. Despite the age difference, Trump's energy and clarity contrasted strongly with Biden's stammers and muddled responses, potentially fueling doubts about Biden's ability to serve another term.

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