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Javier Milei: From rock singer and goalkeeper to president

Argentina's newly elected head of state is an eccentric. During the election campaign, the economist repeatedly appeared with a running chainsaw. His most important companions: his sister and his cloned dogs.

Javier Milei celebrates with his sister Karina
Javier Milei celebrates with his sister Karina

Javier Milei: From rock singer and goalkeeper to president

Javier Milei is planning nothing less than a revolution. In the midst of a severe economic crisis, Argentina's future president wants to turn the tide and steer the South American country in a completely new direction. "The situation in Argentina is critical. Our country needs a drastic change", said Javier Milei after his victory in the run-off election on Sunday. "There is no room for half measures."

The ultra-liberal economist - who describes himself as an "anarcho-capitalist" - wants to cut the state to a minimum, reduce social programs and leave the free market largely to its own devices. The weakening national currency, the peso, is to be replaced by the US dollar and he would prefer to abolish the central bank. This is a radical turnaround in Argentina, where the public sector traditionally plays a strong role and many workers are employed by the state.

Milei comes from a humble background and played as a goalkeeper for the Chacarita Juniors soccer club in Buenos Aires as a youngster. By his own account, he was repeatedly beaten up by his father as a child and only recently got back in touch with his parents. Milei studied economics and later worked as a consultant and chief economist for several companies in Argentina. He has published a number of books, appeared on television with disheveled hair and a leather jacket and played in a rock band. Today, the 53-year-old is a passionate opera fan.

He calls his sister "el jefe"

Milei has been a member of parliament since 2021, where he railed against the political "caste" he hated. His closest confidante is his sister Karina Milei, whom he calls "el jefe" (the boss). She is regarded as the strategic mind behind his campaign. "None of this would have been possible without her," Milei said of his younger sister on election night.

In an interview, Milei once explained the siblings' roles as follows: "Moses was a great leader, but he wasn't good at spreading the word. So God sent Aaron to spread the message. Now, Kari is Moses and I'm the one spreading the word. I'm just a multiplier."

Milei lives with several giant mastiffs, which he had cloned using the genetic material of his previous dog Conan after he died. They are named after liberal economists such as Milton Friedman and Robert Lucas. For several months now, the long-time bachelor Milei has been in a relationship with comedian Fátima Florez.

Dependent on alliances

Milei is regarded as an eccentric who sticks doggedly to his convictions and finds it difficult to compromise. However, his success as president is now likely to depend largely on how quickly he is able to forge alliances.

His party La Libertad Avanza (Freedom Advances) does not have a majority of its own in either chamber of parliament, does not have a single provincial governor and probably does not even have enough qualified personnel to fill important key positions. Without a certain willingness to talk, Milei will not get far as president.

Javier Milei has been in a relationship with comedian Fátima Flore for several months.


